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他12周岁。He's twelve years old.

大年初六,是宝宝一周岁生日。I am but one year old.

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欧文将在11月11日满8周岁。Owen will turn 8 on Nov. 11.

接待9-15周岁的少年踊跃报名到场!Welcome Ages 9 to 15 years old!

希拉里于本周五满60周岁。Hillary Clinton turns 60 on Friday.

今天孩子满周岁。Today is the child's first birthday.

非核心用户大致在18-35周岁这个年龄段以外。They don't fit in the core 18-35 category.

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所有的老鼠在未满一周岁就都死亡了。All were dead before reaching a year of age.

每一申请人须满十八周岁及以上。Each Applicant must be aged 18 years and above.

报名者年龄须在18周岁以上50周岁以下。The applicants are required in 18-50 age range.

本表中青年的年龄范围为14周岁以上,28周岁以下。Youths in this table refer to those aged 14-28.

怀孕或者哺乳自己不满1周岁婴儿的妇女。III, women pregnant or with a baby under 1 year.

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对于年满18周岁的青少年必须接受治疗。Adolescents over age 18 must consent to treatment.

过去的这个礼拜四是小宝的一周岁生日。The past Thursday is sweetie's one year old birthday.

今晚,我收到了她一周岁时HIV抗体测试的结果。Tonight I received the results of her 1 year hiv test.

一周岁的斯柯达,未来之路该如何蹒跚起跑?For one year Skoda, how should they start their future?

佳佳今天庆祝十六周岁生日。Jia Jia turns 16 today. We had a little celebration for her.

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高中毕业以上学历,16-55周岁,身体健康。Senior high school graduates in good health from ages 16 to 55.

第二个病例是,一个6周岁的男婴患病两天后死亡。The second case was a 6-year old male child who died 2 days later.

自2008年以来,它就开始为45周岁以上的人群提供免费健康检查。Since 2008, it has been offering free health screening to over-45s.