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他正在做一项病理研究。He is doing a research in pathology.

未见淋巴瘤证据这样的病理报告是不够的。What made you so sure it was lymphoma?

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DHT组的肝脏组织病理接近正常。HD-DHT had nearly normal liver pathology.

在病理,表示身体雍肿。In pathology, state body harmony is swollen.

术后全部进行病理T分期。All had been patho-T staging after operation.

肌动蛋白也表现了相同的病理变化过程。The change of actin is similar to that of myosin.

组织病理示外毛根鞘囊肿。Histological examinations showed trichilemmal cyst.

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脑病理检查表现为海绵状变性。Spongy degeneration was apparent with brain biopsy.

推出病理切片机用一次性刀片。Disposable microtome blades for pathology introduced.

病理检查镜下均可见“印章样细胞环”和“合胞体”。Seal cell ring and syncytium was seen among all cases.

随文并讨论彼得氏异常的病理成因。The pathogenesis of Peters' anomaly is also discussed.

由此推测,MMP-3可能在SLE的病理生理过程中发挥作用。Thus, MMP-3 may play a role in the pathogenesis of SLE.

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病理类型主要为弥漫性大B细胞性淋巴瘤。Most of histological types were diffuse B-cell lymphoma.

术中取右心房心内膜活检做病理观察。Pathology of right atrium endocardium was also observed.

组织病理检查提示血管肉瘤。The histopathological examination suggests angiosarcoma.

改善胸腺组织病理变化。It also ameliorated the pathologic changes in the thymus.

探讨温病湿热证病邪易滞留气分,缠绵难愈的病理机制。To explore the mechanism of fever in damp- heat syndrome.

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所有标本均经病理证实为星形细胞瘤。All specimens are confirmed astrocytoma through pathology.

病理经血液学病理专家确认。Diagnoses had been confirmed by expert hematopathologists.

病理组织学检查,基本变化是细胞变性。Histopathologically, the basic change is cell degeneration.