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福分是什么?What’s a blessing?

事实上,那是天大的福分。It is, in fact, great good fortune.

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耶稣表示,马利亚所作的,才是上好的福分。Mary, says Jesus, is doing what is better.

让我们多想想上帝赐予我们的福分。Let’s think about what God has blessed us with.

有时,福分是以困境的形式来到的。Sometimes blessings come in the form of problems.

盼藉著拜恩的产品,重享大自然的福分。Reclaim Nature's Blessings, Through BN's Products.

我的福分不浅,从长辈那里继承了一套精美的瓷质茶杯。I was lucky enough to inherit a couple of fine china tea cups.

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现在为了超越这种状况,你必须数算一下你的福分。Now, at this time to overcome it, you have to count your blessings.

这样的人,除非有个“好老爸”,如果能找到好工作,我看那绝对是前辈子修来的福分。If he gets a powerful father and gets a good job, that must be very lucky.

以撒说,你兄弟已经用诡计来将你的福分夺去了。And he said, Thy brother came with subtilty, and hath taken away thy blessing.

我是怎么跟这些福分结缘的你还没读完这本书就可能找到答案了。How do I know these things You should have the answer before you finish this book.

雅各为得到长子福分而用计夺取祝福,我们也会如此作。Jacob grabs for a blessing because he wants the blessings of the firstborn. We do too.

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当我们细数所得到的福分时,我们不会忘记与他们分享那些福分。And as we count our blessings, we remember that those blessings are meant to be shared.

一会儿他觉得自己平静了一些,也比较快乐了一些,因为直到现在他才开始相信自己的福分。He soon became calmer and more happy, for only now did he begin to realize his felicity.

所有圣经启示的圣约都含有所应许之福分和所警告的危难。All the covenants revealed in Scripture contain both promised blessing and threatened jeopardy.

主就是我们一切所需,祂眷顾我们各样需要,更厚赐各种福分给我们。But the Lord is all we need, and he takes care of all our needs, even blessing us with abundance.

因为对所有的信徒来说,那确定和保证的命运是荣耀的福分。For the destiny that is certain and secured for all of the elect is the blessing of glorification.

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你若把敬拜放在首位,神将会赐你力量和福分,去做其他的事情。If you make worship your priority, you'll find God's strength and blessing in everything else you do.

我喜欢烟叶,亲爱的,主要是因为它来自那位有福分的女人被流放的种植园。I love baccy , dear, more by token that it comes from the plantations to which the blessed woman was sent.

欣然感谢那使我们有资格,在光明中分享圣徒福分的天父。Giving thanks to God the Father, who hath made us worthy to be partakers of the lot of the saints in light.