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你为什么不尝试使用光头胎?。Why did you not try the slicks ?

你为什么不尝试使用光头胎?Q. Why did you not try the slicks?

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你们中的大部分都是头胎,努力工作,奋斗most of you first born, worked hard, strived

那么,就是说他们都是头胎咯?was it, to say that they were the first born?

是头胎出生的,举起你的手。those of you here, who are first in birth order.

迈克,你是头胎出生是否是你的功劳?Mike, is it your doing that you were first in birth order?

说你做出了任何的贡献使得你,我们中的大多数,碰巧是头胎。most of you, most of us, happen to be first in birth order.

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在这里用光头胎跑和在其他赛道跑没区别。It's no different to drive slicks here than any other track.

而现在用光头胎很棒,但是还有很多东西要去学。It's nicer now with the slicks but there's still a lot to learn.

这位政老爷的夫人王氏,头胎生的公子,名唤贾珠。Lady Wang, Jia Zheng's wife first gave birth to a son, named Jia Zhu.

光头胎是一个共同的附件添加到肌肉的老式自行车。Slick tires were a common accessory to add to a vintage muscle bicycle.

臀位分娩具有明显的更大的死亡和受伤风险,通常在头胎、或者高龄产妇、早产儿及低体重胎儿中常见。The position causes significantly greater risks of death or injury to the baby.

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6月29日,34岁的他在俄勒冈一家医院生下女儿,这是他的头胎。The 34-year-old transgender man welcomed a daughter at an Oregon hospital on June 29.

超软光头胎重出江湖,对于轮胎分配有什么困难?We will see the super soft compound in use again, how difficult will tyre management be?

头胎儿童打鼾的几率是有哥哥姐姐儿童的2.5倍。First-born children were 2.5 times more likely to snore than children with older siblings.

他在埃及击杀了所有的长子,在含的帐棚中击杀了他们强壮时生的头胎子。He struck down all the firstborn of Egypt, the firstfruits of manhood in the tents of Ham.

上世纪60年代出现的光头胎把赛车轮胎的发展带入了一个新的时代。The development of the racing tyre came of age with the appearance of 'slick' tyres in the 1960s.

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他们生下头胎女儿伊莎贝尔,18个月后产下二女儿伊迪丝,然后诞下珀尔。Isabel was their first daughter. Eighteen months later a second girl, Edith, arrived, then came Pearl.

你不可使头胎公牛耕作,也不可剪头胎公羊的毛。Thou shalt not work with the firstling of a bullock, and thou shalt not shear the firstlings of thy sheep.

中国计划生育政策规定,农村家庭如果头胎是个女儿就可以生第二胎。Under China's family planning rules, families in rural areas can have two children if their first-born is a girl.