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这并不意味着你们是战争贩子。This does not mean that you are war mongers.

战争贩子抱的正是这种态度!This is really the attitude of war mongers! !

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国家评论上的战争贩子也已经偃旗息鼓了。The love of war has gone AWOL at National Review.

某些军火商人是真正的战争贩子。Some of the munitions merchants are real warmongers.

我们白宫里的人是一群战争贩子!What a bunch of warmongers we have in the White House.

工党企图诽谤邱吉尔先生是战争贩子。The Socialists were trying to smear Churchill as a warmonger.

工党企图诽谤丘吉尔先生是战争贩子。The socialists were trying to smear churchill as a warmonger.

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战争贩子们企图把自己打扮成“和平天使”。The warmongers tried to dress themselves up as "angels of peace".

战争贩子们视士兵为炮灰。In the eyes of warmongers, soldiers are nothing but cannon fodder.

所以谁才是真正的战争贩子和和平的威胁呢?Who's the real warmongers and the real threat topeace in that country?

但另一方面,他却似乎爱上了那位“美国战争贩子总统”。the other seemed to love the epithet of "America's warmongering president.

的确有过那么一小撮战争贩子曾经发出过如此猖狂的战争叫嚣。There used to be indeed a handful of warmongers who had ever made such wild war clamor.

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奥巴马是提供进步人士期望的改变和希望的嗜血的战争贩子。Obama is the blood thirsty war monger that offers the hope and change progressives were hoping for.

我们不能排除有些战争贩子会冒险发动一场新的世界大战的可能性。We cannot exclude the possibility that some warmongers will run the risk of starting a new world war.

最后一笔冷战后的和平红利,则用在了“战争贩子布莱尔”的国家福利改革。the last droplets of the cold war's thawing helped even warrior Blair to rejuvenate the welfare state.

如果你比较上个世纪中美的战争记录,你就会知道谁才是战争贩子!If you compare China's war record to the USA's over the last century, it is clear who is the warmonger!

这些战争贩子的学生还可以被推定为要为认为的全球变暖灾难负责。Students of doom- mongering may have assumed that man-made global warming was responsible for every woe.

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战争贩子对每个不具飞行异能的生物以及每位玩家造成1点伤害。Warmonger deals 1 damage to each creature without flying and each player. Any player may play this ability.

总统先生向公众承诺要在政府内部实施责任问责,但他的手下却尽是说客、财团和战争贩子。The President who promised accountability in Government has filled his staff with lobbyists, banksters and warmongers.

一个战争贩子,懦夫,把年轻的美国孩子送去杀人和被杀,这样他就可以从军火交易中获利了。A warmonger coward who send young American kids to kill and be killed so that he can profit financially from arms deals.