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我们在卡贝琳山头相遇。We met them at Carberry Hill.

若非群玉山头见。If not Qungyu Mountain-top see.

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射程可达下一个山头。The shot carried to the next hill.

我看见那架飞机撞在了山头上。I saw the plane hit against the peak.

文史馆在成山头风景区内。Wen Shiguan in Chengshan Scenic Area.

我们身后这个小山头就是珠穆朗玛峰。The small hilltop at the back is Everest.

最后将袖山头翻折成袖山。Turn the sleeve head into the sleeve cap.

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这里是山头奶,檫木在那儿?Here is goat's milk, but where is sassafras?

徐茂山则胸有成竹表示定能夺取山头。XuMaoShan is in the bag says it can take cap.

城市近郊的山头上,到处可以看到样子丑陋的坟墓。Hills in the suburban of city teem with ugly tombs.

即使是在迷雾中兜转。不过是肯相信转个弯过个山头就可以晴了。Even if this only proves i have ever passed your would.

成山头的风景秀丽迷人,为它增添魅力的还有古老的传说。Adding to its charm are also many old stories behind it.

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图解建筑体上的每座山头代表一座超大城市。Each hill of the diagram building represents a mega-city.

整个山头是一座幽雅清秀的公园式陵园。The whole mountain is a fine elegant park-style cemetery.

它是相对封闭的三面都小,树木覆盖山头。It is enclosed on three sides by small, tree-covered hills.

你愿不愿意转过这长着常青灌木的山头,散步到我家里去呢?Will you just turn this nab of heath, and walk into my house?

让自由从密西西比每座山头和小丘响起。Let freedom ring from every hill and mole- hill of Mississippi.

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阿尔卑斯山的阳光让山头覆盖的雪景,闪亮无比。Snowcapped mountain tops glisten in the strong Alpine sunshine.

将袖山头沿着第三层袖窿山头上方放置。Place the sleeve head around the upper third of the armhole cap.

徐茂山则透露附近有一座地形险要的山头。XuMaoShan is revealed that there is a dangerous mountain terrain.