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尺牍技巧行将消失。The art of letter-writing is fast disappearing.

这就表示这些行将被锁定为共享。This means that the rows will be locked as shared.

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你从何而知一个商店行将关闭。From what can you know a store is going to be closed.

这是因为我们现在的服务器行将不堪重荷。It's necessary because the servers are at their peak.

每一个这些行将使用不同的同义词开头。Each of these rows will start with a different synonym.

他接办了一家行将破产的老公司。He had taken over an old company verging on liquidation.

现在就赌中国经济行将崩溃,恐怕还为时过早。It's too soon to start betting on the collapse of China.

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翌日,刀纹龙行将被公开处决。The next day, dragon sword grain is being public execution.

他眼看著他们行将失败,快乐得直搓手。He rubbed his hand with glee at the prospect of their defeat.

如果阿贡下跌,国防部长德国的最后几行将会下降。If Argonne fell, Germany's final lines of defense would fall.

他眼看著他们行将失败,快乐得直搓手。He rubbed his hands with glee at the prospect of their defeat.

我行我任性的路,直到我的愚行将你引到我的门口。I walk my own wilful way till very folly tempts you to my door.

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把行将被政府强拆的房子用警用安宁警示带扯一圈。Set up a security cordon around which will be destroyed by the gov.

曲牌的诞生,宣布了一个新的音乐体系行将诞生。The birth of qu tunes heralded the birth of a new type of musical system.

因为他们有如青草,快要枯槁,他们有如绿叶,行将零凋。For they will fade as any green herb and soon be gone like withered grass.

唐先生近六十岁,他是位行将离任的校长。Mr. Tpowerfulg is nearly sixty years old. He is powerful outgoing principle.

歪如一些您否能未经晓得,行将到往的十字军的体育馆将于降落级9个名目。As some of you may know the Crusader's Coliseum is slated to drop tier 9 items.

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我会英文的口授笔记,同时能立行将其翻译成中文。I am able to take dictation in English and translate it rapidly into Chellonese.

抑或是行将买下阿莫斯同时在竞赛中输了一大笔钱的杰布。Or will buy in the competition, Amos also lost a large sum of money of jie cloth.

假使知道行将爆发的事,就不难剖释他为何会有这样的表了。If you know what will happen next, you will understand why he has such expression.