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他会认为我是个孬种。He'd think I'm a wimp.

你这该死的婊子养的孬种!You damned lily livered coward!

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你想知道他们里面谁是最孬种的吗?Would you like to know which of them were cowards?

你想知道他们之中谁是孬种吗?Would you like to know which of them were cowards ?

要是哪一个孬种敢跟我叫板,我就让他说个够,怎么样?If any coward here dare challenge me, let him speak!

博德人,你伤害了这个男孩,你就是博德孬种,你们全是。Baird men, You hurt this boy, you're gonna be Baird bums, the lot of you.

我要叫你的弟弟——你们这些孬种中最坏的一个,单独来偿还这一切。I summon your brother, the worst of your bad race, to answer for them separately.

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当你说别人孬种的时候我已经知道其实你一直在心虚。When you say that when someone coward In fact, I already know you have been a guilty conscience.

唯一合法的战斗方式是人对人,盾对盾,胸对胸,其他的就是孬种The only legitimate fighting is man against man, shield against shield, chest against chest, everybody else is a pussy.

“你的意思是说你是个孬种。你连挥棒击球的机会都没有!”马特说完就大步走向投球区,拉里慢慢放下了伸出的手。"Chicken, you mean. You won't even swing at the ball! " Then he stamped off to the mound as Larry slowly dropped his outstretched hand.