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她目不转睛地盯着橱窗。She glues her eyes to the show window.

她目不转睛地看着老人的嘴。Her gaze rested on the old man's mouth.

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孩子们目不转睛地观看马戏表演。At the circus the children wre all eyes.

我启开箱子时,乔治目不转睛地看着。George was all eyes as I opened the box.

狄克和杰克在目不转睛地看戏。Dick and Jackie are all eyes at the show.

我抱紧他,目不转睛地看着他的眼睛。I hugged him close and gazed into his eyes.

别那样目不转睛地盯着我看。Do not look at me with fixed eyes like that.

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向她丈夫的伤口,愕视着,目不转睛。Staring on Priam's wounds with her old eyes.

当我走过婚礼甬道时,我目不转睛地看着基斯。I stared at Keith as I walked down the aisle.

雷达兵目不转睛地注视着荧光屏。The radarman's eyes were glued to the screen.

他目不转睛地看着我,就像第考试*大一次看见我似的。He stared at me as if seeing me for first time.

我目不转睛地看着水壶,似乎它是一个海市蜃楼似的。I stared at the canteen as if it were a mirage.

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瞧!狄克和杰克在目不转睛地看戏。Look! Dick and Jackie are all eyes at the show.

为什么肠卜师目不转睛地打量那绵羊的肝脏呢?Why is the haruspex eyeballing the sheep's liver?

他坐在我对面的座位上,目不转睛地盯着我。He sat on my vis-a-viz seat with eyes fixed on me.

亨特先生目不转睛地盯着他的前面一辆车子。Mr. Hunter kept his eyes nailed on the car in front of his.

他两手托腮,目不转睛地望着房子的一角。He sat with cupping his cheeks, watching the conner of the house.

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宫廷侍卫发现汤姆目不转睛地盯着王子看,便将他逮捕。Palace guards saw Tom and arrested him for staring at the prince.

Loesser跳出了车,目不转睛地盯着一百码外的码头。Loesser leapt out. He gazed toward the pier, a hundred yards away.

他目不转睛地盯着桌子上吃剩的饭菜。His eyes stare at what's left of the brother's dinner on the table.