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我认为他不够格。I do not think he is qualified.

你还不够格来打熔火之心!You're not leet enough for molten core.

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难道我们的翻译水准还不够格吗?Aren't our translation standards good enough?

这些人不够格担任这个产业。These people are not worthy of this inheritance.

她年纪轻,当校长还不够格。Her youth disqualifies her from becoming president.

但是作为一个受宠的妻子,我觉得我做得不够格。But as far as doting wife goes, I think I lack form.

告诉他们说,‘这是我现在会的东西,我够格得到这个职位吗?Tell them, ’Here's what I know. Am I qualified for a position?

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我不确定他是否够格做我们的代表。I'm not sure if he is qualified enough to be our representative.

我们不想你们仅仅因为缺乏经验,而觉得自己不够格。We don't want you to feel inadequate when you're simply inexperienced.

唯一我知道的就是,作为一款消费型设备,它的速度完全不够格。Who knows. What I do know is that it’s far too slow as a consumer device.

下面是5部使得米基·洛克够格成为敢死队的影片。Here are the top 5 movies we feel qualify Mickey Rourke to be an Expendable.

寻求疗伤对象的女人知道你是一个好人,所以不要认为自己不够格。The Rebound knows you are a good guy, so don't think you're failing the test.

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但是对于占星学他们是不够格的,而且并没有做足功课。But they are incompetent regarding astrology and have not done their homework.

将军。又将?,-显然,你还不够格来玩三维国际象棋。Checkmate. again? -obviously, You're not well suited for three-dimensional chess.

现在选举的主题已经变成了奥巴马,以及他到底够不够格当总统了。This election now is about Barack Obama and whether he is qualified to be president.

他接着说这些球员的身手还不够格领高薪,而在介绍球员出场时更狂喝倒采。He then said that the players were overpaid and started booing when they were introduced.

这两种极端都对你不利,会让显得你很不专注、没有责任感、不够格。Either extreme can work against you as you’ll appear unfocused, uncommitted or unqualified.

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陈冯富珍后来转换了话题,提到一系列她称之为“够格的好消息”。The WHO chief then switched gears and presented a list of, what she called, qualified good news.

又或者是,你是否知道你也许还不够格,但你的态度积极并且学习能力强。Or do you know that you might not be qualified, but have the right attitude and are a quick learner.

那麽你不够格作一个称职的生产部主管,与你共事,我很疲劳。Then you can not be qualified as a supervisor in manufacturing department. I feel tired to work with you.