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把箱子放在这里。Put the box here.

我要给这个箱子盖上盖儿。I will top the box.

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就把它放在箱子里吧。Keep it in the box.

咱们把箱子搬开吧。Let's move the box.

这是你们的箱子吗?Are there yous cases?

他用木钉钉那只箱子。He pegged at that box.

这箱子真重啊!How heavy the box is !

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这个箱子重20公斤。The box weighs 20 kgs.

这箱子太沉了。This box is too heavy.

我将敲开我的箱子。I'll break open my bag.

这是一个插座在箱子!It's a jack-in the -box!

这个箱子是立方形。The box was cube-shaped.

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他们把箱子砸开了。They split the box open.

请把箱子拿开。Please take the box away.

箱子里满都是沙土。The box was full of sand.

奥奇古说,“简直就像是住在箱子里一样。”It's like living in a box.

请让这个箱子开着。Keep the box open, please.

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请倒空那个箱子。Please empty the box, Jim.

这箱子已经用胶粘上了。The box has been glued on.

他的小汽车顶上捆了一只大箱子。A large box headed his car.