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隔天一大早,雪停了!The next day, the snow stopped.

很感兴趣?有没有人一大早打算同去寻宝?Somebody's trash could be someone's treasure.

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他们一大早就骑马进山了。They rode to the mountains early this morning.

我每天一大早进来闲步。I take a stroll in the early morning every day.

白天这么一大早吃了太多的甜食。Too much sweetness for him this early in the day.

今日一大早,咱们相约在车站晤面。Today we met at the bus stop early in the morning.

他一大早就结了账离开了旅馆。He checked out from the hotel early in the morning.

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明天一大早我们将在码头为他饯行。We'll meet him at the harbour early in the morning.

他们一大早就骑马进山了。They rode out to the mountains early in the morning.

明天一大早我们将在码头为他送行。We will meet him at the harbour early in the morning.

我很抱愧这么一大早就打电话给你。I apologize for calling you this early in the morning.

这一行很辛苦,每天要做10到15个小时,有时忙到深夜,第二天一大早又得开始。It’s a 10- to15-hour day, late nights, early mornings.

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明天一大早我们将在码头为他送行。We shall meet him at the harbour early in the morning.

每天一大早他都要挤入一班拥挤的公交车。He squeezes himself into a crowded bus every early morning.

为了赶上首班公交车,她一大早就起床了。She got up early this morning so as to catch up the 1st bus.

第二天一大早,Alen坚持要送我去取车。The next morning Alen insisted on driving me to the car shop.

我祖母每天一大早在公园练气功。My grandma practices Qi Gong in the park early in the morning.

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一大早起来,还是一样打坐,照常做修行的课程。That morning, he woke up early and sat in meditation as usual.

我们从这日一大早就劈头找这辆车了。We've reisly been looking for the car since early this morning.

但是你知道你的老板明天一大早就要看这个。And you know that your boss needs to see this early in the morning.