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也有乒乓桌。There is table-tennis table.

我们乒乓队球技超群。Our ping-pong team is red hot.

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玲玲和佳佳在玩乒乓。Lingling and Jiajia are playing.

中国选手赢得了乒乓混合双打。China wins ping- pong mixed doubles.

雹子打在屋顶上乒乓乱响。Hailstones were rattling on the roofs.

真正的地下音乐重返乒乓吧啦!The real underground is back to Ping Pong Bar!

门窗被风刮得乒乓山响。The doors and windows are rattling in the wind.

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这位乒乓球员的敏捷是他的一大优势。The table tennis palyer's speed is one of his great asset.

你学校里有一间乒乓室吗?不,没有。Is there a table tennis room in your school? No, there isn't.

这次比赛曾被认为是一次善意的游戏,乒乓外交。It was supposed to be a goodwill game, a diplomatic give-and-go.

此外,打乒乓和羽毛球也是我的爱好。And playing table-tennis and badminton are also among my hobbies.

我们踢足球,打篮球、排球和乒乓等等。We play soccer ball, basketball, volleyball, ping-pong and so on.

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国务卿在庆祝乒乓外交40周年之际的致词Message for the 40th Anniversary Celebration of Ping Pong Diplomacy

“乒乓”是第一款流行的商业化视频游戏。Pong was the first commercial video game to reach pop consciousness.

有时这叫做骑肩,搭车或者打乒乓.This is sometimes called piggybacking, hitchhiking, or ping ponging.

今天我们买了乒乓桌,每天可在家里练习打球。Today we bought a ping pong table so we can all practice daily at home.

1975年,乔布斯奉命开发一款同“乒乓”相似的游戏“突出重围”。In 1975, Jobs was tapped by Atarito work on the Pong-like game Breakout.

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凭借群体的智慧把“乒乓”玩得这么好,令卡彭特决定加大难度。The group mind plays Pong so well that Carpenter decides to up the ante.

他们跳绳,用天花板制成的拍子玩乒乓。They skip rope and play table tennis with paddles made from floor tiles.

乒乓从保龄球上反弹,它只是反弹回来。The ping-pong ball bounces off the bowling ball and it just bounces back.