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各部队已发给了口粮。Rations were served to the troops.

他们也会被削减一半配额的口粮。They may also be put on half-rations.

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紧急口粮紧急使用!Emergency Rations For The Emergency Rations!

我不大使用这个做为紧急口粮。I don’t always use this as an emergency meal.

所以我旅行时会带些紧急口粮。I travel with some sort of emergency rations.

他减少了工人们的部分口粮。He docked the workers off part of their rations.

工蜂的口粮则是由蜂蜜和花粉稀释了的王浆。Workers' rations are diluted with honey and pollen.

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他奉使给部队分发口粮。He was ordered to serve round rations to the troops.

中大体型爱宠请配合口粮喂食。Middle & large size pet takes this product with pet food.

在6到12周的航行中,他们依靠微薄的口粮生存。During their six- to 12-week voyages they lived on meager rations.

于是干脆连同将切去出芽的土豆作为口粮一起分给每户人家。So I will cut the potatoes with budding as food rations to every household.

预计一个星期内,我们可以为大约100万人提供口粮。We expect to be reaching approximately one-million within a week," Mr. Ban said.

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型口粮的罐头和香烟盒包装上皱巴巴的锡箔纸被挂在了松树上当成饰物。C-ration cans and crinkled tinfoil from cigarette packages made do for ornaments.

于是,我们立刻鼓励士兵随带口粮去作家庭访问。At once we encouraged visiting soldiers to carry rations with them on home visits.

我好象是动物园里的一个饲养员在分配折半的口粮给一些巨大的动物吃。I was like a keeper in the zoo distributing half-rations among magnificent animals.

在分配折半的口粮给一些巨大的动物吃。I was like a keeper in the zoo distributing half-rations among magnificent animals.

一个俄罗斯上校曾说抢来的美军口粮特别好吃。One Russian colonel had crowed that looted American rations were particularly tasty.

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尽管面临这口粮危机,该中心的游客量已经恢复到了震前水平。Despite the food crisis, visitor numbers to the center have returned to pre-earthquake figures.

他究竟是在做小生意,当奴仆,还是靠打家劫舍来获得朝不保夕的口粮呢?。Did he gain his precarious bread by some petty trade, by menial toil, by violence, or by theft?

“所有的巡防队员都有了欧文斯夫妇提供的新睡袋、靴子和定量供给的口粮,”她写到。“All the scouts have new sleeping bags, boots and rations supplied by the Owenses, ” she wrote.