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我们的历险热热闹闹的开幕了。Our adventure kicked off with a rousing start.

我并不屈就于它热热闹闹的外表。I don't condescend to boisterous displays of it.

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这次博览会能热热闹闹地进行,绝非易事。Getting the fair up and running was by no means easy.

现在,人们放炮放花,主要是图个喜庆,用热热闹闹的鞭炮声宣告新的一年的到来。Now, people fire crackers to announce the arrival of the new year.

2006年11月,希莱克斯多明我书店在一片中世纪的乐声中热热闹闹地开张了。Selexyz Dominicanen opened, to some medieval fanfare in November 2006.

总有一个热热闹闹的人物谁可能会破坏大家的胃口。There's always a chattering personage who could spoil everyone's appetite.

我猜想在中国的朋友们是过着热热闹闹,充满气氛的新年。I am thinking my friends in China must be having so much fun with Chinese New Year.

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我发现很难想象让这样一个喜欢热热闹闹吃饭的民族放弃他们的习惯。I found it odd to imagine a nation of convivial diners surrendering their birthright.

在一些场合,而且相当热热闹闹地,本阿里宣称要进行选举法的改革。On several occasions, and with much fanfare, Ben Ali announced "reforms" in the code.

热热闹闹的踢毽子比赛在一片欢声笑语中结束了。Hot noisy make of kick a shuttlecock game in the one the joys the voice the joke be over.

也许是我长时间不回家的原因,我是那么的喜欢全家人的热热闹闹。Perhaps the reason I did not come home a long time, I was so in love the whole family bustling.

一大家人团聚在一起,开开心心、热热闹闹的品尝着美酒佳肴,其乐融融。A large family reunion together, a happy heart and solitude to taste delicious wine, feel happy.

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一进门,他们就把军帽整齐地排在桌子上,然后和我们一起热热闹闹地搓起了元宵。An enter a door, they left their berets neatly on the table, and then rub with us livelily yuanxiao.

由于早已过了中年又无儿无女,玛吉和肯似乎很喜欢我们这个热热闹闹大家庭。Late middle-aged and childless, Maggie and Ken seemed to like having our big, noisy family next door.

如今的星期六没有了以往那种热热闹闹逛商店、开玩笑的场面,街面上空空荡荡,人迹稀少。Instead of the aforetime Saturday-evening flutter and bustle and shopping and larking , the streets were empty and desolate.

大家热热闹闹地围坐在桌边,一边吃着热腾腾的涮肉和涮菜,一边和家人、朋友、同事聊着天。They are happily boiling vegetables and thin slices of meat in the soup, and in the meanwhile, having a heart-to-heart chat with others.

但北美其他英国殖民地的居民则热热闹闹地庆祝圣诞节,身着奇装异服的狂欢者挨门挨户收取居民赠送的食品和饮料。Other parts of British North America, however, celebrated with gusto, with costumed revelers going door to door and receiving small gifts of food and drink.

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中秋节是一个家家户户都欢聚一堂的日子,我家当然也不例外,一家人围着一张桌子,热热闹闹的,十分温馨。Mid-Autumn Festival is a day for every household are gathered together, my family is certainly no exception, a person around a table, bustling and very warm.

女娲那寂寞的心一下子热乎起来,她想把世界变得热热闹闹,让世界到处都有她亲手造出来的人,于是不停工作,捏了一个又一个。Nu Wa the lonely heart suddenly warming up, she wanted to become bustling world, around the world are made out of her hand, so we kept working, pinched one another.

最多的“音乐”还是来自小麻雀的叽叽喳喳,热热闹闹地,如同赶早市的人们一样兴致勃勃。Most of the morning "music" comes from the little sparrows, their songs liveliness and some noisiness, liking the noise of the people hurried merrily in the morning market.