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游牧区多为游动式。For more nomadic area of swimming.

游牧文化该怎样继续下去?How dose nomadism culture continue?

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他新拍的这部电影是游牧民族的一部史诗。His new film is an epic of the nomads.

他们很久以前就放弃了他们的游牧生活。They long ago forsook their nomadic life.

刀柄的铜钉具有显著的游牧风格。The copper nail on grip has nomadism style.

西部的印第安人在大平原上过着游牧生活。The Indian of the West is a rover of the plain.

对于这些游牧部落来说,生活是很艰难的。Life is also not easy for the nomadic shepherds.

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一个撒哈拉沙漠游牧的柏柏尔民族成员。A member of a Berber people of northeast Algeria.

一个撒哈拉沙漠游牧的柏柏尔民族成员。A member of a nomadic Berber people of the Sahara.

今天数字式游牧人拥有吨多媒体数据。Todays digital nomads own tons of multimedia data.

来自游牧2货架上,与前有线保险丝。Comes mounted on Nomad 2 shelf, with pre-wired fuse.

而阿富汗的游牧人口则住在帐篷里。The nomadic population of Afghanistan lives in tents.

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在印度“游牧”一词词义也存有争议。Just defining the term "nomad" is problematic in India.

游牧部落的多数男子腰都粗壮。Most of the men in the wandering tribes have big waists.

在前额佩戴这些风格的发带,会让你看起来像一个游牧民族的公主。Wear these on your forehead for a nomadic princess look.

这里有半游牧的牧民,有城市居住者。You have semi-nomadic shepherds. You have city dwellers.

他私奔标志着游牧民族的生活方式。His elopement marked the beginning of a nomadic lifestyle.

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在这些游牧文化,妇女通常是织工。In these nomadic cultures, women were usually the weavers.

王昭君出塞以后,生活在匈奴游牧地区几十年。Wang Zhaojun lived in the Huns? encampments for many years.

贝督因为沙漠游牧部落,其部民强悍桀骜。A nomadic desert people, Bedouin are hardy but unruly troops.