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围着一个大圆桌?Around a big table?

圆桌上出有坐次之争。At a round table there's no dispute of place.

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他们在小圆桌旁坐了下来。They took their seats at the small round table.

这张圆桌大约重四十五磅。This round table weighs about forty-five pounds.

亚瑟死后,圆桌骑士各奔东西。The Round Table broke up following the death of Arthur.

我们把自行车靠在圆桌上,开始埋头吃饭。We laid down our bikes along the round tables and dug in.

橱窗里展览了一张圆桌和一张方桌。A round and a square table were exhibited in the shop window.

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你,亚瑟王,光荣的圆桌骑士的领袖。You Artur, the leader of the glorious knights of round table.

这次先锋食客被安排在圆桌武士牛排屋。My Cuisine Pioneer assignment was the Round Table Steak House.

还需要一个小圆桌,供2至3人的小型会议使用。One small round table, for small adhoc meetings of 2-3 people.

在城堡里他有一张圆桌,他和他的骑士们都坐在那里。In the castle he had a round table, where he sat with his knights.

骑士们将能在圆桌旁就座视为最大的荣誉。Knights considered it a great honour to have a seat at the Round Table.

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本期的“注目”专题,更像是试图搭建一次圆桌对话。The feature in this section seems to set up a round-table conversation.

加拉哈德爵士是圆桌骑士中最纯洁高尚的一个。Sir Galahad was the noblest and purest of the Knights of the Round Table.

亚瑟王传奇是由一些圆桌武士的故事构成。The stories of the Knights of the Round Table make up the Arthurian cycle.

小圆桌和椅子用来吃早饭或者工作都可以。The little round table and chairs is a great place to work or have breakfast.

格温尼维尔带着她的女仆们和那张圆桌来到亚瑟的城堡。Guinevere arrived at King Arthur's castle with her ladies and the Round Table.

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他们的展台居然设置了一个小小的圆桌,看过去是被另一家公司拿来开会了。The Audiovox booth was voted "Best place for another company to have a meeting"

别像那种坐在圆桌旁说话发出哒哒哒声播报新闻的明星,尊重和聆听你的客人。Unlike the star of a rowdy cable news roundtable, defer and listen to your guest.

我送给亚瑟国王的礼品是这张圆桌,它曾经属于亚瑟国王的父亲尤瑟国王。My gift to King Arthur is the Round Table, which belonged to his father, King Uther.