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我想她是不会垮台的。I don't think she'll burst up.

反动统治注定要垮台。The reactionary rule is doomed.

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他的骄傲使他垮台了。His pride procured his downfall.

印加帝国在1533年迅速垮台。The Incan empire fell quickly 1533.

麦道夫的垮台像飓风一样袭击了棕榈滩。Madoff’s fall hit Palm Beach like a hurricane.

一连串丑闻使得这个公司垮台。A series of scandals caused the company to fall.

最后第二国际垮台了。Finally the Second International fell to pieces.

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戈多,我的时尚形象正面临垮台。Gordo, I am in the middle of a fashion meltdown.

艾塞克斯已经感到他的整个计划要垮台了。Essex already felt the collapse of his whole scheme.

但吴为保存实力,坐视张之垮台而不加援手。But Wu did nothing in order to save his own strength.

这家公司破产,完全垮台了。The company went bankrupt,and it burst up completely.

他指责苏尔科夫策划了他的垮台。The tycoon blamed Surkov for orchestrating his downfall.

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这好像就是导致该银号垮台的原因。This is what appears to have led to the bank's downfall.

但是近二十年前,一个政府机构垮台。But almost twenty years ago a government agency collapsed.

他追随溥仪到北方直到傀儡政府垮台。He followed him north and then the puppet regime collapsed.

拉迪乔娃的政府在这一年不断的烦扰下最终垮台。Her government's collapse ends a harried year for Ms Radicova.

据说他上次工作的那家公司最近垮台了。It is said that the last firm he worked for caved in recently.

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什么使政体确立,又是什么导致政体垮台?What holds them together ? and what causes them to fall apart?

至于埃里克先生,飞碟既是他的热爱的所在,也是他垮台的根源。As for Sir Eric, flying saucers were his passion but also his undoing.

当贵族阶层垮台后,整个国家也跨了Now, when the palace civilization collapses, the whole system collapses.