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力偶分为静力偶和动力偶。The couple includes static and dynamic one.

它们形成两力偶使杆弯曲。They form two end couples to cause the bar to bend.

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仅由两个矢量组成的力偶叫作简单力偶。A couple consisting of only two vectors is called a simple couple.

球磨机,变频器,液力偶合器,节能运行模式。Ball grinding machine, AC drive, hydraulic coupler, energy-saving mode.

主要用于液力偶合器的过载保护结构上。The utility model is mainly used on an overload protection structure of a hydraulic coupler.

加装液力偶合器改造后,灰浆泵运行电流进一步降低。After gearshift adjustment device is fixed on the electrical current of pump motor is lower more.

球磨机,最佳工作转速,变频器的节能运行,液力偶合器。Ball grinding machine, optimum operating speed, AC drive's energy-saving operation, hydraulic coupler.

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同时,刚性线长度对位错偶极子中心像力偶矩也有很大的影响。In addition, the influence of the dipole arm orientation on the equilibrium of the dipole is significant.

数百万次的应用实践已经证明福伊特液力偶合器是经济可靠的驱动装置。Thus the turbo coupling has proven as an economical and reliable drive component more than a million times.

利用应力偶理论计算了薄膜润滑的膜厚特性。The lubrication characteristics of thin film lubrication are analyzed by making use of couple stress theory.

动力偶臂是指火炮后坐部分的质心位置到炮膛轴线在垂直方向上的距离。The couple arm of force refers to part of the mass center of the location of the bore axis vertical distance.

大连液力偶合器有限公司是具有三十年历史的生产液力偶合器的主要骨干企业。Dalian Fluid Coupling Co. Ltd, founded in 1979, is one of the leading manufacturers of fluid couplings in China.

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调速液力偶合器是一种有良好节能效果的偶合器,已被多家水泥厂所证实。Speed regulating hydraulic coupling has a good power saving effect and has been borne out by many cement plants.

狭长矩形梁的侧向屈曲是工程设计中要考虑的重要问题,文中讨论了两种狭长矩形截面简支梁在一端受集中力偶作用时发生侧向屈曲的问题。The lateral buckling of two kinds of pin-ended beam under the action of a couple at one end of the beam is discussed.

本文采用逆方法研究并获得了应力偶流体的定常和非定常精确解。By using inverse method, the analytical solutions of couple stress fluids were obtained for steady and unsteady cases.

转子磁场中心安装偏差所产生的轴向磁拉力很小,转子磁极中心挂装高程差所产生的不平衡力偶不致增大推力瓦受力。The couple of force created by rotor pole center suspending difference may not increase the pressure on the thrust pad.

介绍调速型液力偶合器在调整配合煤细度上的应用及效果。The applications and effect of speed-adjustement hydraulic couple in adjusting coal particle density have been introduced.

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研究了应力偶对有限长滑动轴承热流体动力特性的影响。The effect of the couple stress on the thermo hydrodynamic performance of a finite journal bearing is studied in this paper.

用解析法求得了无限长园柱壳一边固定,另一边受力偶作用的精确解。The exact solution of infinitely long circular cylindrical shell with one end fixed, the other end loaded by a couple is obtained.

其额定工况无滑差的特点,使大功率液力偶合器发热的问题得到根本解决。Its feature of non-slip under rated operating conditions has completely solved the heating problem of high powered hydraulic coupling.