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他是个寡言少语、谦虚谨慎的人。He is a reticent and modest man.

约翰在办公室里总是寡言少语。John is always quiet as a mouse in the office.

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她寡言少语,与外界毫无联系。She rarely spoke, she had no connection with the world.

对于一个寡言少语的人而言,贝克特在纸上实在太能说了。For a man of few words, Beckett wrote an awful lot of them.

穿梭于墓碑与鲜花之间,安杰尔开始变得寡言少语了。Walking among the tombstones and flowers, Angel grows quiet.

你是一个积极而充满自信的人,还试害羞而寡言少语的人?Are you a positive, confident person or are you shy or reserved?

主任派头的天蝎会是寡言少语巨蟹的好伴侣。Masterful Scorpio should make a good mate for quiet spoken Cancer.

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母亲耐心地将镜子递到宝宝前面,但寡言少语。The mother patiently held the mirror to the child, but didn't say much.

她美丽端庄,性格温柔平和,平时寡言少语。She dignified and beautiful, gentle calm personality, known as man of few words.

张某从看守所回家后变得寡言少语,整天昏昏欲睡。Zhang returned home from the detention center has become quiet, sleepy all day long.

Kaos说,Jacobs的寡言少语为玩家对事件自行解读留了余地。Kaos says that Jacobs’ reticence leaves room for the player’s own interpretation of events.

罗伯特很健谈,与其弟弟大不相同。他弟弟寡言少语。静水流深。Rober's very talkative and is a far cry from his brother . His brother is very quiet . Still waters run deep.

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人们一般认为生于牛年的人比较有耐心,寡言少语,同时也能获取别人的信任。People born in the Year of the Ox are thought to be patient, to speak little, and to inspire confidence in others.

罗伯特很健谈,与其弟弟大相径庭。他弟弟寡言少语,但静水流深。Robert's very talkative and is the exact opposite of his brother. His brother is very quiet but still waters run deep.

他大约60来岁,又瘦又矮,脸上布满皱纹,声音深沉、沙哑,寡言少语,但要说起话来就会引起别人的注意。He was about sixty years old, short and thin, with a craggy face and a deep, gravelly voice he used sparingly but to great effect.

当我祈祷我能听到我正需要的合适的话语时,一位寡言少语的男人说出的短短几句话令我终身难忘——毕竟,朋友就这么做。In a moment when I prayed for just the right word, a man with very few words said all the right things. After all, that's what friends do.

在生活中从未感到被他人接受,以致于在与他人交流时总是显得害羞,寡言少语,性格孤僻。Never felt accepted by the others' in their life, so much so that they became chronically shy, retiring and withdrawn in their interactions.

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即使有意隐瞒的人很少侃侃而谈,他们往往会在对方并没有察觉的情况下主动会为自己的寡言少语辩解。Although deceptive people do not say much, they tend to spontaneously give a justification for what little they are saying, without being prompted.

认清自己的个性特征,是培养良好性情的第一步。你是一个积极而充满自信的人,还试害羞而寡言少语的人?Identifying your personality traits is the first step in developing a good attitude. Are you a positive, confident person or are you shy or reserved?

作为高尔夫球场上的杰出人物,这个寡言少语的德州人似乎是从天而降,连续摘取了1937年和1938年的美国公开赛以及1939年的美国大师赛的桂冠。A towering figure on the links, the taciturn Texan seemingly came from nowhere to win successive US Opens in 1937 and 1938, and then the Masters in 1939.