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用皮带抽他一顿!Give him a belting.

他把皮带束得紧些。He drew his belt tighter.

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还有呢,你连皮带也用我的。And you're wearing my belt!

他把皮带束得紧些。He buckled his belt tightly.

你能帮我检查一下风扇皮带吗?Could you check the fan belt?

在皮箱外捆上一条皮带。Put a strap around the trunk.

那孩子用一根皮带牵着普茨。The boy had Pooch on a leash.

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有皮带走偏报警装置。Deviate a belt warning devices.

那小孩的皮带很松。The child's belt is very loose.

领带要延伸到你的皮带。Your tie should reach your belt.

这个皮带擦破了狗的脖子。This leash chafes the dog's neck.

汤姆腰里围了一根皮带。Tom wears a belt round his waist.

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皮带式输送机是起重机械的一种。Leather belt is a kind of lifting.

工作人员把栓她的皮带交给了我。The attendant handed me her leash.

差人系上皮带,走了出去。The police belted up and went out.

你们有大皮带头的皮带吗?。Do you carry the big-buckled belts?

狗的颈圈和皮带哪去了?Where are the dog's collar and lead?

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你知道怎样弄回风扇皮带吗?Do you know how to change a fan belt?

他的肚子在皮带上凸出来。His stomach bulged out over his belt.

我要把妳连皮带骨拆了!I'll strip your feathers to the bone!