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我们十分欣赏她美如天籁的歌声。We appreciated her beautiful voice very much.

我打赌肯定有那样的天籁之音I bet there's heavenly music of that sort. Okay.

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对于像我这样的技术作者,这听起来好似天籁。For technical authors like myself, this sounds like a godsend.

让我们感受探索生命的乐趣,聆听天籁般美妙的声音。There are so many lives to explore and so many sounds to hear.

质“模仿山林溪谷的天籁音响制作了乐歌。Zhi imitated the natural sounds of wood and streams to make music.

天籁的产品在美国有非常辉煌的过去。EarthSound's products have an excellent track record in the States.

美妙的歌声回荡在宏伟的石头房子中—那简直就是天籁之声。I love the acoustics there – human voices in that great stone room.

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林宥嘉的声音很美,是那种天籁之音的感觉,要下的!!!Yoga Lin's voice is beautiful, the kind of soothing feeling to under! ! !

原始岩画的象征性几乎是天籁所成。The symbolism of the primordial petrous picture was almost the nature made.

黄小琥的声音很美,是那种天籁之音的感觉,要下的!!!Tiger Huang's voice is beautiful, the kind of soothing feeling to under! ! !

天籁如何运用得宜,是修行人必须谨慎的。Those who practice sound of nature should be prudent in how to use it properly.

天籁固然很有境界,但这境界无人共鸣又有何意义呢?Teana is very realm of course, but this realm of no resonance what is the point?

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即使能找到这样的净土,我是否可以安然的去销售天籁般轻松?Even if it can find such a pure land, can I go to sales of Enron Teana as easily?

当你倾听着夜间的天籁,那时也许你能听到我的歌声,虽然我已不再唱歌。And then, perhaps, you will listen to the night, and hear my song when I am silent.

且让我向各位说明天籁应该如何针对这群年轻的消费者做广告。Let me give you an idea of how EarthSound ought to advertise to these young people.

我觉得,这三个词就是我能记起的于某种遗忘掉的天籁之语。And I feel those three words are allI recall of some forgotten, heavenly language....

这里天籁般的旋律,节奏,叩响了我的心门,撞击了我的心智。Here the melody and rhythm sound just at the gate of my heart, and hit my mind to much.

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陈翔哥哥,你知道吗?你虽没有天籁之音,但是你的声音已经打动了我们每个人的心。Chenxiang brother, you have no sound, but your voice has touched the hearts of everyone.

当成临别赠礼,那位美国女孩把一瓶天籁洗发精送给台湾来的朋友。As a going away gift, the American gives her Chinese friend a bottle of EarthSound shampoo.

比如,我小的时候,我和表弟总是在祖母天籁般的摇篮曲中入睡。For example, when I was younger, she would sing this beautiful lullaby to my cousins and me.