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然而我不担心思想会否自空中陨落。I worry lest Hugin should fall in flight.

发达国家中也会有国家走向陨落吗?Can states fail within the developed world?

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完结,在黑夜中陨落,并永远消失了。Concluded, dropt in the night, and was gone.

没有人不会效忠我的!这个世界终将陨落!I will not be denied! This world shall fall!

天堂都在陨落!我们如何?The heavens are falling down! What about us?

有多少英雄名噪一时,瞬间陨落。The number of reputable hero, an instant fall.

希望,依旧灿烂,最辉煌的虽然已陨落。Hopes are brilliant still, though the most brilliant fell.

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当你走过,群星自天际陨落。我想走近你,走近你。Why do stars fall down from the sky , Every time you walk by.

另一个西方对未来的过气观点也会因此陨落。Another Western shibboleth about the future will thereby fall.

一位巨星的陨落。我仍然爱着C语言。如此简单,如此强大。Great ones are falling. I still love C. So simple. So powerful.

民族体育是体育领域中永不陨落的星。The national sports is a star in sports domain forever in China.

小姑娘看见的那颗陨落的星,原来就是她自己的灵魂,正向天堂飞去。The falling star she saw was actually her own soul, flying off to heaven.

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风跟着你若即若离,留下触不到的痛惜,陨落下了我们的回想。The wind as you dominated. Leave not hit the pity. Falling down our memories.

我们跑向树下,岩石在我们的身边陨落,但是我们都很好。We ran under these trees, the rocks fell all around us, but we were all fine.

最灿烂的新星总是最快陨落的。至少我是这么认为的。等待巨。The brightest star burns out the fastest. Or at least that is what I heard. Waiting.

随便你怎么说好了,30秒之后,我那些天堂陨落的合伙人就会加入我们的。Jabber all you want in about 30 seconds my associates from paradis falls will join us.

与麦道夫丑闻不同,克鲁格的陨落并没有使投资者们完全无计可施。Unlike the Madoff scandal, Kreuger’s downfall didn’t leave investors completely bereft.

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如果仅仅是做一回耀眼的流星,几年之后陨落,在我的观点中是不可接受的。To burn brightly only to flame out a few years later doesn't make the cut in my opinion.

阿比拉马正要吼道像这种外形诡异的刀又会有什么用处,他的身体陨落了。Arivama was about to yell how could a weird looking sword do anything when his body fell.

路人将这一幕发布到网上,使这名“陨落之星”再次进入公众的视野。The passerby posted the shot online, which again drew public interest in the fallen star.