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约莫搬场一周往后。It was around a week after moving day.

她约莫20岁,只有一边手臂。She was around 20 and only had one arm.

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如果可以的话,过几天到约莫12、13号再签。If possible, sign later, near June 12 or 13.

那时瓶子里约莫四分之三满。The bottle had been about three-quarters full then.

对不起,我要权时离开一下,约莫是5分钟时间。Will you excuse me for awhile?It is about 5minutes.

踝中心环节关头扭伤约莫占所有受伤环境的一半。Ankle sprains accounted for about half of all injuries.

它们的巨细最佳想象成约莫与你的手同样大。They are best imagined as roughly the size of your hand.

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包拆消费线的少度约莫有40米。The packing production line length probably has 40 meters.

我们等到约莫黄昏之时,纪九回来了。When we await until approximately evening, Ji nine come behind.

她来后约莫一个月,就教我认得了“水”这个词。About a month after her arrival, she taught me the word "water".

男孩看上去约莫九到十岁,脸色灰黄,个头矮小,体格精瘦。He looked no more than nine or ten years old, sallow, small, stringy.

约莫一个钟头以后这些鹅醒了,宿醉得要死不活。It was about an hour later that the geese woke up. They had devastating hangovers.

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约莫到了午夜,小伙才再次出现在酒桌旁,样子有些恍惚。It was maybe midnight when the kid showed at the table again, looking kind of dazed.

最后一天,探险队的史密斯发现了一组完整,约莫英寸长的细脚趾。On the last day of the expedition Smith found a complete set of slender, inch-long toes.

约莫一两小时后,一尾三角鱼鳍划过水面,围着一群人转起了圈。After an hour or two, a triangular fin sliced the surface of the water and circled the group.

我们彼此打量了约莫20秒钟,然后汽车转过街角消失了。We looked at each other for about twenty seconds before the car disappeared around the corner.

约莫百分之80的时间向孩子提供的是炸薯条---不假思索的。"About 80 percent of the time they were given the french fries — automatically, " Harris says.

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她总是随侍在病床前,照顾她的丈夫,一直到约莫三个月前他过世为止。She was always there by his bedside, taking care of him, until he passed away three months ago.

用军蚁来作个例子,光光在美国,已被确认了的军蚁种类就有约莫130种。For example, take the army ant, of which around 130 species have been identified in the Americas alone.

生齿举措组织的研究人罗博特。安格曼说,到2025年约莫三十亿人缺水。P-A-I researcher Robert Engelman says by the year 2025, about three-thousand-million people may lack water.