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我们扫雪前进。We ploughed through the snow.

在扫雪时,人类也会死于心脏病突发。Men die of heart attacks while shoveling snow.

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扫雪车把雪沿路边堆积起来。The plow banked the snow along the side of the road.

如果你使用的是扫雪机的话,那就在斜槽内部上蜡即可。If you use a snow thrower , wax the inside of the chute.

驻扎在北京的解放军和武警战士也加入了扫雪大军。Soldiers and armed police in Beijing also joined the army of sweepers.

如果你扫雪机的里程数比你汽车的里程数还高,那你是住在安大略省。If you have more miles on your snow blower than your car, you live in Ontario.

他们还提醒司机小心在清理道路的扫雪机。They also warn drivers to watch out for snow plows working to clear the roads.

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他们也应该避免突然用力,例如扫雪或推车。They should also avoid sudden exertion, such as clearing snow or pushing a car.

我们雇个人派辆扫雪机来,把车道上的雪都清理了吧。Let's hire someone to come with a snow plow and get rid of the snow in our driveway.

罕见的暴雪昨晚六点停的。起先,我和妈轮番给植物扫雪。Blizzard rarely stop at six last night. At first, I and my mother turns to plant snow.

发明家创造出抗生素和安全气囊,扫雪机还有掠夺者无人机。Inventors have given us the antibiotic and the air bag, the plow and the Predator drone.

由于预报会有暴风雪,各个城市都有时间来准备盐和扫雪机。The blizzard had been expected, allowing cities time to crank out the salt and snow plows.

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准备好去北极的冰山旅行了吗?谁还敢说俄罗斯的马路不扫雪?Ready for an Arctic iceberg travel. Who dares say streets are not cleaned from snow in Russia?

先生本想开车去上班,但他不能开车,一直要等到扫雪车清好马路。Mr. A planned to drive to work, but he could not do so until the snowplows cleared the streets.

有的同学在扫雪,有的同学在堆雪人,还有的同学在打雪仗。Some classmates in the snow, and some students in a snowman, and classmates in snowball fights.

吴萌霖拿着簸箕收雪,李亚飞扫雪,我们手中没有工具,只好用双手捧雪。Wu Menglin took a fan to collect snow, Li Yafei snow, our hands had no tools, with both hands in the snow.

他边说边给扫雪机加汽油准备清扫车道,“不过,我倒能省下一些电费。”" he said as he gassed up a snow blower to clear his driveway. "At least I'll save a few bucks on my electric bill.

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“我拿着吹雪机出去扫车道,”她说道,“谁能想到我挺喜欢这么扫雪的呢?"I head out with the snow blower to do the driveway, " she says. "Who ever would have thought I'd enjoy blowing snow?

他还回忆起在列宁格勒国立大学修读法学博士时当打工族和扫雪工的情景。Medvedev recalled working as a labourer and a snow sweeper while studying for a law PhD at Leningrad State University.

这给零售商带来了麻烦,比如警察响应时间变长,扫雪和垃圾清运时间间隔加长。That causes such hassles for retailers as longer police-response times, as well as less-frequent snow plowing and trash pickup.