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不用说,此起彼落的尖叫声也淹没了他的声音!Needless to say, incessant screams drowned his voice.

跟随而来的媒体闪光灯此起彼落,为会场带来最高潮。Follow the media for the meeting, each flash bring height.

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此起彼落的声音犹如小鸡咯咯的喧闹声。Each voice, rising and falling like the clamorous cackling of chickens.

夜市里的其他人也因为害怕这头横冲直撞的大象而尖叫声此起彼落。Other people in the night market yelled in fear of the rampaging elephant.

这算是一项改进,不过听到响铃后开炮声仍是此起彼落。This was an improvement, but the guns still went off at various times during the sounding of the buzzer.

然而真实的海面有起伏变化的“地形”,真实的海面变化过程是海面地形此起彼落、时快时慢的变化。Obviously, actual sea surface is not level, and its changeable course is sometimes lower or higher, quicker or slower.

只有剥开细胞膜,你才能找到模糊的活动迹象,数不清的化学反应此起彼落。Peel back a cell’s membrane and you’ll find a blur of activity, thousands of chemical reactions taking place all at once.

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拍小孩的戏份时,整个现场都是小朋友,哭声此起彼落,弥漫现场。When we were shooting the kids' parts the whole set was filled with children, and sounds of crying kept filling the whole place.

接下来的30分钟,老师和学生们轮流将手指放入口中来“交谈”,口哨声在教室中此起彼落。The room reverberates with whistles for the next 30 minutes as teacher and students take turns putting their fingers in their mouths to "speak."

好几次几乎要摔下去了,三个人的惊叫声此起彼落,吓得浑身是汗。Several times they came near to falling off. From time to time their screams rose and fell, drenching each of them in the perspiration of terror.

从各个方向传来的宣礼声此起彼落,在城市上空的微风中荡漾,又从山那边传来回声。And 10 more. The calls rise and fall from different directions, crossing the soft air above the city and echoing back from the hills above Sarajevo.

一停下来,我只听到自己的心脏狂跳不已,四周的叫喊声此起彼落,每过一秒船声就越近。Once we were still, all I could hear was my heart pounding, the yelling all around me, and the roar of a boat coming closer and closer every second.

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这是从三月一连串事件以来最近期的一起,在这段期间暴动此起彼落在整个北非和中东展开。This was the latest in a series of events that began in March when popular uprisings were in full force throughout North Africa and the Middle East.

你在注视什麽?一双踌躇不安的手,还是那一连串连绵不断、此起彼落的「当下」,最终迷失在「现在」与「然后」的胡同之中?What are you looking at? – a pair of hands, their fidgeting, or a string of "the continuous present" superseding one another, lost in the circuits of "now" and "then"?

当天拍卖座无虚席,来自亚洲各地之买家热烈竞投,电话、现场、网上竞投此起彼落,彼此分享安德鲁·洛伊·韦伯对洋酒收藏热忱。The auction was across Asia from a buyer of the bidding, the telephone, field, online bidding each, and share Andrew Lloyd webber foreign wine collection of enthusiasm.

天气非常酷热,空气品质奇差无比,傍晚时分,邻近的火车缓步前进的吵杂声此起彼落,那吵杂声在变换的气流里失了真。It was ferociously hot, and the air quality became so bad that by the evening the noise of nearby trains stuttered in in fits and starts, distorted through the shifting air.

近几年来大陆职工因拖欠薪资或退休金等情况,致使生困厄所酿成的示威抗与堵街活动,在各省市区此起彼落、从未间断。Because wages or pensions have been overdue in recent years, disgruntled workers have staged demonstrations, protests, and street blockages in many provinces and municipalities.