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我是照耀在金色麦浪上的缕缕阳光。I am the sun on ripened grain.

麦田在微风中麦浪滚滚。The field of wheat was undulating in the breeze.

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山间的梯田里,麦浪滚滚,农民伯伯绽开了笑脸。Mountain terraces, moved, farmers uncle opened smiling face.

在辽阔的原野上,但见麦浪随风起伏。On the vast fields, one sees nothing but the wheat billowing in the wind.

到仲春的时候,许多北美小麦地因有大片待收割的小麦浪而美丽无比。By mid spring, many North American wheat fields are beautiful with waves of grain ready for harvest.

四周麦浪奔腾翻滚,绵延向不可知的远方。The on all sides wheat wave dashes about vacillating, continue long toward unknowable far-away place.

终于在一片翻滚着的金黄色麦浪后面,在隐约可见的白色的埃斯特斯山下,丹佛城出现了。Just ahead over the rolling wheat fields all golden beneath the distant snows of Estes I'd be seeing old Denver at last.

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终于在一片翻滚着的金黄色麦浪后面,在隐约可见的白色的埃斯特斯山下,丹佛城出现了。Just ahead over the rolling wheat fields all golden beneath the distant snows of Estes I'd be seeing old Denver at last.

金色是麦田的色彩,翻滚的麦浪从父亲的田里一直延伸,穿过低矮的山丘。It was the color of the wheat fields that rolled like waves across the low hills stretching out from his father's homestead.

铁灰色的河滩上也有些棋盘般方正的绿麦地,一溜蹲成并排的一串花头巾在麦浪上蠕动。On the iron-grey floodplain were a number of wheat fields as square as chessboards. A string of patterned headcloths bobbed among the row.

你和我在小麦田里,黄色麦浪翻腾,鲜红的罂粟花处处点缀,七月已为花朵戴上煤灰之冠。I was with you down there in the billowing field of yellow wheat, all speckled blood -red with poppies on which July was already putting crowns of ash.

他感到他脚下的路面就像是他经常梦到的乡下土路,那些岩石和大块的泥土以及那金黄色的麦浪此刻一下子充满了他的思绪。The surface below him felt like the country road he used to dream about. The rocks and chunks of dirt, the visions of the golden wheat fields seemed to fill his thoughts.

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如果你打算取材于这些歌词作曲,那你也许想要夏末载满果实的树,和晴朗蓝天下翻滚的麦浪的图像吧。If you were to make a music video based on these lyrics you'd probably want mid to late summer images of fruit-laden trees and fields of rippling wheat under sunny blue skies.