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谁会为这些买单?Who foots the bill?

谁将为保护节约买单?Who will pay for conservation?

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“这个是费尔斯通为你买单,”他说道。“Firestone’s paying, ” he said.

我女儿私奔,还要我买单。I paid for my daughter's elopement.

你本来想买单。and you would like to pay the bill.

政府可能会大印钞票来为此买单。They may to print a lot of paper to cover them.

假发?别指望政府给你买单!Want hair? Don't expect insurance toupee for it!

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谁愿为农业用纺织品“买单”?。When to pay the agriculture-use textile products?

在杂货店的收银台买单时帮忙打包自己的东西。Help bag your own groceries at the checkout counter.

下买单之后,价位还在涨,何必出单?After the buy, and the price is up, so why single out?

现在,为我们过去穷奢极侈的行为买单的时刻终于到了。The bill for our past profligacy has finally come due.

啤酒是我买单,所以我可以喝掉最后一瓶。I paid for the beer, So I call dibs on the last bottle.

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打烊时间已到,需要先结帐,先帮您买单。Closing time is up, they need to checkout before you pay.

热带雨林餐厅,跟孩子在那里午餐,她买单。Rainforest Cafe, lunch with my daugher there. Her treats.

那么,为什么要求他们不生孩子来为我们的挥霍买单?So why ask them to pay in unborn children for our profligacy?

但如今为木材产业买单的是最为软弱的群体。But now pay for the timber industry is most vulnerable groups.

“危机策略总是由消费者来买单的”,他警告道。"Crisis tactics will be paid for by the consumer, " he warned.

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而且我猜人们说你得为这里的奢侈生活买单,And I guess they say you pay for the luxuries of life out here,

外出就餐总是我买单,因为我的经济状况要好很多。I paid for our meals together because I was so much better off.

市场吃了10万股的买单报价后,助长市场下降。The market has eaten the 100k share bid, and gone down further.