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夜间班。At night class.

*只在夜间睡眠。Sleep only at night.

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我经常在夜间工作。I often work at night.

老虎在夜间猎食。Tiger hunts in the night.

日本人喜欢夜间工作。The Japanese love night work.

于是像亲戚在夜间相遇。And so, as kinsmen met a night.

但是在夜间工作并非那么容易的事情。But being nocturnal ain’t easy.

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夜间的气候使我寒冷彻骨。The night air chilled my bones.

夜间干的事,白天会败露。What do by night appear by day.

夜间的空气使他寒彻骨。The night air chilled his bones.

日间遮荫,夜间保护。A shade by day, defense by night.

是的,保罗经常在夜间工作。Yes, Paul usually works at night.

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夜间爆竹声吵闹得很。The night was noisy with crackers.

我从不喜欢夜间飞行。I have never liked flying by night.

我想起我夜间的歌曲,扪心自问。I remembered my songs in the night.

夜间我可伏卧在你的脚旁。I'll lay heavy sheaves at Thy feet.

这面纱期待着在夜间卸去。It waits to be lifted in the night.

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夜间合适的曝光度是多少?What is a proper exposure at night?

我们将在夜间通过那个海峡。We will transit the strait at night.

她白天睡觉,夜间工作。She sleeps by day and works by night.