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吾不能变心而从俗兮。I cannot charge my mind to suit the crowd.

祭司既在民中为首、就不可从俗沾染自己。He must not make himself unclean for people related to him by marriage, and so defile himself.

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懂得入乡从俗的道理,一切按你们的安排办。We understand the saying "when in Rome, do as the Romans", so we will just follow your arrangements.

当然,历史原型李白也有其从俗性的一面。Research on his prototype has great significance in the study of "the cultural phenomenon of Li Bai".

苏轼批评柳永并非针对“婉约”,而是针对“从俗”。Su Shi's criticism against Liu Yong was not aimed at his "gracefulness", but his conformity to vulgarity instead.

这条月科大的团鳐鱼只有12厘米长,是从俗称“美人鱼的钱包”的12只鱼卵中孵化出来的。The month-old thornback ray is just 12 centimetres long and is one of a dozen hatched from eggs known as "mermaid's purses".

如果相爱让我们平凡,就让我们在红尘中日渐从俗,我愿意,你——呢?If love make us ordinary, let's gradually have the worldliness throughout the mortal life , i'd like to do, so what about you?

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从俗的层面来说,其小说中言情成分相较于传统的言情模式已发生了现代性的转换。From the angle of popularity, the sentimental element in his novels have taken on modern changes compared to traditional model of sentiment.

这个命题既与“从俗脱俗”思想息息相通,又符合艺术辩证法的原则。This definition accords with the thinking of "Exaltation of Elegance in Submission to Convention", as well as the principles of the artistic dialectics.

像任何精神导师一样,艾伦宣传的是一种希望——希望有朝一日能从俗世的烦恼中解脱,仅仅通过清理桌面、按时付账就可以做到。As with any spiritual leader, what Allen is really selling is hope -- salvation from the cares of this world by cleaning off the desk and paying bills on time.

柳永潇洒不羁的浪子形态,倾心“从俗”的怪胆狂情,撕破了千百年来封建观念的厚重黑幕,在中国文学史上划过了一道绚丽的虹。It was his strange braveness and crazy emotion of "following traditions" that exposed all the inside stories of feudal concept which had lasted for thousands of years.

尚为的生命价值追求,悲剧性的生命历程,决不委心从俗的高尚人格,这都是他们在创作中自然接受楚辞的主要原因。The advocation of the life-value. the tragic career, and the lofty personality of against-custom. all these were why they accepted the Chu Poem naturally in their creation.

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但是,由于该书作者的原则是凡记录“字必从俗写,物必从俗称”,只是记录其事而一般未作解释,于是现代学者就很难正确解读。However, all the objects the author mentioned were used by very common words of that era, without any explanation, thus the researchers get troubled in reading it correctly.

认识这对事物,有助于我们从俗物中看到艺术与信仰的痕迹,体味象征符号与实在生活的奇妙关联。The understanding of them will help us discern the trace of art and belief from ordinary objects and experience the marvelous connection between symbolic sign and real life.