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咱们不要搞得太拘泥形式了。You are too nice about form.

我决非拘泥于权威的人。I am no stickler for authority.

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咱们不要搞得太拘泥形式了。Let's not make this too formal.

他的散文有拘泥的特性。His prose has a buckram quality.

常规的思考者常常拘泥于教条之中。Routine thinkers are often dogmatic.

我们从不会拘泥于一个科目上。We could never stick to the subject.

你拘泥于细节和数据。You're a stickler for details and data.

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人们发现她是个拘泥的人。People find her a stickler about trifles.

使表达方式多样化,不拘泥于一词一句。Try to express one meaning in various ways.

不要被形式上的日期年代所拘泥、所欺骗。Do not be deceived by the pedantry of dates.

医生过于拘泥于既往史。The clinicians rigidly adhere to past history.

做事情不要太拘泥形式。Don't rigidly adhere to form when doing things.

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在这些讨论中大家都不拘泥于形式。In these discussions, all formality was set aside.

哦,嘢!我知道母爱是不拘泥什么形式的。真美妙!Oh, yes! I know mother-love in any form. Very nice.

我们可能宁愿拘泥于使用三角函数。We might prefer to stick to trigonometric functions.

最有才干的领导也会陷于拘泥琐事的困境中。The most brilliant leadership can be mired in detail.

那些被摒弃的旧神重新归位,埃及艺术又回到拘泥呆板的古典风格。Egyptian art returned to its classic, ritualized style.

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他很难达到目的,因为他这人太拘泥细节了。He'll hardly reach his aim, because he strains at gnat.

但你也不必拘泥于传统的早餐。But you don't have to stick with the traditional options.

是应该坚持原则,可也不能太拘泥呀。It's right to stick to the principles, but not to stand on.