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另外程咬金夫妇亦随行。Another path bit golden couple also accompanying.

向他驰近的骑者是拿破仑和随行的两名副官。They were Napoleon and two adjutants escorting him.

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一年之内,他吸引“捕获”了好几艘远洋航行船随行。Within a year, he had acquired several oceangoing vessels.

在那里,他们留下所有随行的支持小组人员,同时给飞机添加燃料。There, they drop off any support team with them and re-fuel.

一个高级身体信号的例子就是随行训练中的目光。An example of an advanced body signal is seen during heeling.

其实就是要缩短领头车和随行车辆的距离。The idea is to compact distances between lead and following cars.

标识方式采用记录、标签、标牌、零部件随行单等方式。Use record, tag, nameplate and parts waybill to label the products.

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这家广播电视台是在随行摄制白宫的“一日生活”节目。The network was filming a day-in-the-life program at the White House.

月光,白霜,明月的意象,比象征更加随行。The images moonlight, frost, moon are much more than arbitrary symbols.

随行的又有大队车辆和兵马,声势非常浩荡。Chariots and horsemen also went up with him. It was a very large company.

在这个灿烂的季节,让炫彩伴你一路随行。On this splendid season, let dazzle colour with you all the way accompanying.

皇帝及其随行骑架入城要走以下的哪个门?Which Gate did the Emperor and emperor's dragon carriage could enter the city?

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科学家和工程师也会各自带着实验设备和螺丝刀随行。Scientists also went with their experiments, engineers with their screwdrivers.

我把随行训练的所有部分归并在一起。I lumped all the component parts of the heeling exercise into one training exercise.

如影随行,如迷天下,心如我们永远支持你,挺你!If shade accompanying, if the fan world, heart like we forever support you, very you!

关于胡锦涛主席出访随行官员,我们会适时对外发布消息,希望你耐心等待。As for his accompanying officials, we will release relevant information in due course.

强盗头子让潘杜和随行的人自由下山,回到憍赏弥去。The robber chieftain let Pandu and his men go free down the mountain back to Kaushambi.

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随行的还包括我校几位有丰富面试经验的教职工。A number of experienced staff went with the students on both Shanghai and Beijing trips.

随行的有医生,公爵的随从和马夫及两名勤务兵。The doctor, the prince's valet, and coachman , and two orderlies were in charge of them.

G20峰会召开,英国首相布朗的妻子萨拉负责款待随行的第一夫人团。The spouses of G20 leaders will be hosted by the wife of British PM Gordon Brown, Sarah.