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一些组织甚至自相残杀。Some groups even fought one another.

没人期待自相残杀的妈妈们战斗中选择离场。No one expects us to choose sides in internecine mommy battles.

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所以他们仍有能力免于经历这场自相残杀。So they are still capable of drawing back from a fratricidal war.

有新证据证明霸王龙可能会自相残杀。Tyrannosaurus Rex may have been a cannibal, new evidence suggests.

在一些场合,掸族甚至拿起武器自相残杀。On several occasions, the Shan even took up arms against each other.

一段可怕的内战时期和自相残杀的时期似乎接踵而至。A grisly period of internecine war and cannibalism seems to have followed.

我会证明给你看,危机关头,这些所谓的文明人就会自相残杀。You’ll see, when the chips are down these civilized people will eat each other.

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因为每个人就在忙于自相残杀,这就是生存的秘诀!Because everyone else is to buzzy kill each other, that's the secret to survival.

高昂的制作成本可能会导致这些电影在争夺大屏幕的时候自相残杀。Costly productions could wind up cannibalizing each other as they jostle for screens.

歼灭了色依尔山地居民以后,他们又自相残杀。And when they had finished with the inhabitants of Seir, they began to destroy each other.

最后,自相残杀的价格战导致中国药品品牌的短命。Finally, the fratricidal price wars led to the short-lived brand of Pharmaceuticals in China.

不久,乔什和维多利亚正在途中他们的自相残杀的战争和灾难的形式。Soon Josh and Victoria are on their way to their own form of internecine warfare and disaster.

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破产法的目的是为了避免在破产时,债务人之间之间的自相残杀。It tries to avoid a dog-eat-dog struggle over the asset of wrecked business and failed debtors.

因此,这三者中没有一个在做任何一点事,把人类从自相残杀中拯救出来。None of the three, therefore, can do anything towards saving the human race from reciprocal suicide.

一对夫妇拜访了丈夫的家人在印度,发现自己在一个自相残杀的战斗中。A couple visits the husband's family in India and finds itself in the middle of a fratricidal battle.

这场耗资靡费的自相残杀将进一步削弱美国的世界超级大国地位,敌人们该幸灾乐祸了。The cost of MiFei kill each other will further weaken the American superpower status, the troubled enemies.

钟离这些天的心情很不好,她无法接受接受一起出生入死的伙伴自相残杀。The clock is in a bad mood these days, she could not accept accept fought together partners kill each other.

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他们的音乐是对二十世纪在欧洲最近发生的思想观念的自相残杀的不祥反映。Their music is an ominous reflection of the twentieth century's last European fratricidal war of ideologies.

你知道谁将持续地球吗?军火商,由于其他人都在忙于自相残杀。You know whos going to inherit the Earth?Arms dealers. Because everyone else is too busy killing each other.

你知道谁会坐拥这个世界?是军火商,因为其他人都在忙著自相残杀而最终灭亡。You know who's going to inherit the Earth? Arms dealers. Because everyone else is too busy killing each other.