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这座木构教堂是被搬运到这儿并重建的。The wooden churches were transported here and reconstructed.

木构的梁柱为未来的功能空间提供了一个框架。Wooden columns and beams create the framework for future rooms.

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塔身用生铁仿木构分层铸造,逐层迭装而成。The tower body with iron imitated wood casting layer, layer by layer stack assembled.

木栓,木砖嵌入石墙中的木块,以钉支撑细木构造物的钉子。A wooden block built into a masonry wall to hold nails that support joinery structures.

我们继续建筑的研究,能让它与居住区域和木构之间的场所相适应。We pursued a study for architecture to match the site in between such residential area and woods.

亭的形式起初是一种体积不大的四方亭,木构草顶或瓦顶,结构简易。At first kiosk in the form of a four-volume small pavilion, grass roof timbers or Wading, simple structure.

保圣寺大殿为北宋中期江南木构殿常,现仍保存有部分较为翔实的文献和实物资料。Baosheng temple's main hall is a wooden architecture of the South Changjiang River in the middle Northern Song Dynasty.

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在爱上马来西亚的马来亚住宅以后,委托人鲍勃和安琪拉希望在兰卡威岛的小山丘上建造一座木构住宅。My partner and I have always loved the airy Malay houses and we have taken in Bob and Angela's inspiration very quickly.

被染黑的西伯利亚落叶松悄无声息地坐落在树丛中,白色的室内木构与之形成对比。The black stained Siberian larch sits inconspicuously in the trees and contrasts with the white-washed internal woodwork.

记者对广大读者充满感激,因为他们在上星期的专栏中对木构建筑作了有趣的评述。YOUR correspondent is indebted to readers for their interesting comments about last week's column on timber-framed buildings.

木构建筑有可能去创造一个更愉悦、放松、交际和创造性的城市体验。"Timber buildings have the potential architecturally to create a more pleasing, relaxed, sociable and creative urban experience".

当然空中仍是会有木构建筑地,不外只是西汉灭南越时已放火烧失落而已。Of course, there will be the ground or wood construction, but only out of South Vietnam when the Western Han Dynasty set fire to it.

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对梁架结构系统的强化,是对中国传统木构、英式维多利亚风格和南非土著建筑共有的木屋架传统的综合体现,表达了多种文化的融合。The highlighted frames of roof structure show respect to the common factors of traditional Chinese, British and South Africa's wooden-structures.

是明清中下层制陶业者木构和砖木建筑状况的写照。Is in the Ming and Qing Dynasties the lower level system ceramic entrepreneur wooden construction and the brick wooden construction condition portrayal.

中国古建筑木构体系是中国几千年文化积淀的结果,其形成系以木作技术的发展为基础。The wood-made system of ancient architecture of China has been farmed far thousands of years, which was based on the development of wood-made technologies.

中国古建筑木构体系是中国几千年文化积淀的结果,其形成系以木作技术的发展为基础。The wood-made system of ancient architecture of China has been formed for thousands of years, which was based on the development of wood-made technologies.

从结构上看,房子分为由砖和当地石头组成的底部和两个木构上层体量。Structurally the house is divided into the bottom part made from brick and clad in a local-stone façade, and two upper floors with a mass timber construction.

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但是侗族没有自己的文字,世传的民间技艺均为口传,传统的侗族木构建筑和家具正在消失之中,亟待保护与研究。However, without a written language, the civil art, which is passed down word by word through mouth, is fading away. So it is burning to be studied and protected.

通过所形成的传统木构建筑模式化屋顶、结构构件和传统装饰线的体现而达到“地方化”。"Localization" is achieved through roof and construction components modularized by Wood-constructed building as well as manifestation of traditional decorative lines.

屋架采取传统中国的木构做法,建筑师希望它的形式能回溯传统地方性格,呈现江南本土的建造体系。They chose the traditional Chinese wood structure as roof frame, hoping to make the form back to the traditional local character, reflecting the construction of the local system.