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敏捷制造企业要解决的主要问题是如何选择盟员。One of the main problems in AM is how to select partners.

并对盟员两两直接协商的动态联盟建盟方式与招投标建盟方式进行了比较。Comparition between bid-based and negotiation-based dynamic collaboration is carried out as well.

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我一直向往的一些统计数字已经积累了一些重要盟员。I have been fascinated by some of the statistics that have been amassed by some of the major leaguers.

民盟为什么在1944年要扩大组织、吸收大量无党派关系的个体盟员?。Why did the League enlarge its organization and absorb a large number of nonparty individuals in 1944?

盟员企业的评价与选择是构建虚拟企业并使其成功运行的前提。Evaluation and selection of leaguer enterprises are the preconditions of virtual enterprises' operation.

提出了由盟主全局模型和盟员局部模型构成的动态设计联盟模型框架。The dynamic design alliance model framework is presented, which is made up of overall model and partial model.

它充分发挥敏捷制造企业内各盟员的优势,对市场作出快速反应。It makes good use of the production capability of the partners and responses to the market opportunity quickly.

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我们会再接再厉为广大读者和民盟盟员奉献更多的优秀图书。We will keep up our efforts and supply more outstanding books for the readers and the leaguers of China Democratic League.

舒曼设计了一个想象中的“大卫同盟”,其中有两名核心盟员,一个叫弗洛列斯坦,另一个叫埃塞比乌斯。He designed an imaginary "David Alliance" among which there were two important members, one was Frulistan, the other was Johsonbils.

虚拟企业联盟体是由盟主企业和盟员企业组成的。Their histomorphology in the virtual enterprise alliance body lies in whether the provided terminal product is logistics one or not.

该工具的研制成功,可大大简化盟员软件的开发,提高各类仿真盟员的开发效率。Successful development of the tool may greatly simplify the development of federate software and improve the efficiency of development.

当时在场的其他盟员们一一握着手,说什么要借这机会开几瓶酒来庆祝一番。The other members of the league, present at the time, shook hands all around and spoke of opening a new bottles on the strength of the occasion.

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物流联盟是应对外部市场快速变化而形成的一种虚拟企业,盟员选择是联盟成功与否的关键因素。Logistics alliance is a virtual enterprise to meet with quickly change of exterior market and the member selection is a key problem to performance of the alliance.

论文主要对盟员框架自动生成工具进行了深入研究,提出了用配置文件来进行信息配置的设计思想。This paper mainly studies a tool for generating federate framework, and brings forward the design idea which uses configuration file to configure federate information.

文章研究在敏捷制造模式下虚拟企业中盟主企业选择盟员企业过程中的定量评估方法,并给出相关的数学模型。The paper studies on the leaguer evaluation methods in the process of leaguer selection in virtual enterprise under the mode of agile manufacturing, and presents the correlative mathematic models.

另一方面,从定位模型可以发现盟员之间资源匹配情况,是否存在因相似资源大幅重叠而引发冲突的风险等,为盟员的选择决策提供参考依据。On the other hand, form the fixed position model, the risk for resources conflicting could be found by checking alike resources significantly over lap, also could be reference for members' selection.