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他们是欧丁神,雷神,司爱女神。The gods were Odin, Thor and Freya.

由于我必须用雷神之锤去杀一个神!And I need the hammer to kill a god !

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BBN公司是雷神公司的全资子公司。BBN is a wholly owned subsidiary of Raytheon Company.

爱沙尼亚人向当地的收成和雷神进贡。Estonians made offerings to local fertility and thunder gods.

追猎者优先攻击地面单位,就像雷神优先攻击空中单位一个道理。Stalkers auto-focus ground units by default, like Thors do against air.

小型战术弹药是雷神公司专为无人机设计的武器组合的一部分。STM is part of a portfolio of Raytheon weapons built specifically for UAS.

克里斯赫姆斯沃思知道他需要请雷神在世界各地的许多球迷。Chris Hemsworth knew he needed to please Thor's many fans around the world.

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雷神洞石殿内还有击恶、司查、香案等像器。Raytheon also hit inside-hole evil Secretary investigation such as a table.

雷神公司的工作将“跨越计划的整个带宽”。Raytheon's work will "span the entire bandwidth of the program, " he added.

用他温柔的消融劝说,远胜过挥斧雷神的蛮横。Thaw with his gentle persuasion is more powerful than Thor with his hammer.

他迅速穿上雷神锤的肩甲咔哒一声盖上了开关。This he slipped into the pauldron of his MJOLNIR armor and clicked the cover.

谁使用这把锤,若真配得上,就会拥有雷神之力。Whoever wields this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.

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雷神公司还将管理外国军事销售的系统维修支持。Raytheon will also manage system repairs in support of foreign military sales.

雷神团队成员包括罗克韦尔柯林斯公司、GE航空公司和Proxy航空系统公司。Team members include Rockwell Collins, GE Aviation and Proxy Aviation Systems.

他的合作伙伴包括雷神公司、轨道科学公司和诺斯罗普格鲁曼公司。Industry partners include Raytheon, Orbital Sciences Corp., and Northrop Grumman

那是我决定雷神之锤三是将是我的新电脑的基准。That's when I decided that Quake III was going to be my benchmark for the new PC.

分承包商包括轨道科学公司、洛克希德马丁公司和雷神公司。Subcontractors includeOrbital Sciences Corporation, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon.

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即使对于北欧的雷神也是十分巨大,索尔的头盔直径约30光年。Heroically sized even for a Norse god, Thor's Helmet is about 30 light-years across.

现在雷神的弱点在于射程和移动力,同时也被强力反装甲单位克制。The current Thor is countered by range, mobility or certain powerful anti-armor units.

在帝国挑战演习期间,雷神公司的MIETool将进行一个正式的作战人员评估。During Empire Challenge, Raytheon's MIETool will undergo a formal warfighter assessment.