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熊完全交口称赞这一点。Bear was totally blown away by this.

他受到大家的交口称赞。He has received so much public praise.

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比赛结束后,人们对他交口称赞。Praises were heaped on him after the game.

宾客对食物交口称赞。The guests went into rhapsodies over the food.

尽管他们都交口称赞宁静的乡村生活的种种优点。Though they extol the virtues of the peaceful life.

本届车展受到参观者交口称赞。This year's auto exhibition received unanimous acclaim.

大家都起身对他令人难忘的英勇之举交口称赞。Every person stood to applaud his unforgettable act of courage.

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大家交口称赞,还给刚生了孩子的朋友推荐。People talk about them and refer friends to when they have new babies.

婺剧有着400多年的历史,本次演出获得了观众和专家的交口称赞。The opera, with more than 400 years of history, was presented and hailed by the public and experts.

一大群人围了过来,都交口称赞年轻人的心,因为这颗心完美无瑕。A large crowd gathered, and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was not a flaw in it.

任何国家军队,包括其宿敌英格兰,都交口称赞这支雇佣兵勇猛剽悍。Willing to hire themselves out to anyone, including their old enemies the English, these Welshmen make valuable mercenaries.

尽管他们都交口称赞宁静的乡村生活的种种优点,但其中只有一人真去农村住过,而且不足6个月就回来了。Though they speak highly of the advantages of living in the country, only one of them has been there and actually went back within six months.

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当地的护理人员们交口称赞这对双胞胎姐妹,他们说如果杰玛的”感觉“没起作用,莲妮可能已经死了。The hero twin has received a commendation from local paramedics , who said that if Gemma hadn't acted on her "feeling, " Leanne would have died.

对于美国目前的经济困境来说,一个交口称赞的解决方案是让美国生产更多世界所需要的高科技产品。One widely touted solution for current U.S. economic woes is for America to come up with more of the high-tech gadgets that the rest of the world craves.

他被指控在描写那位众人交口称赞的慈善家时使用了诽谤性文字,只能去找最好的但也最贵的律师帮忙。Accused of libel for the story he wrote about the widely acclaimed philanthropist, he had to turn to the best, and the most expensive, of course, lawyers for help.

但是,很多资深的经济学家们都在交口称赞伯南克先生他在推动美国经济走出20世纪30年代以来最严重的危机经济时所采取的大胆行动和稳健的手法。Fellow economists, however, are heaping praise on Mr. Bernanke for his bold actions and steady hand in pulling the economy out of its worst crisis since the 1930s.

中国男篮的全体将士也因在比赛过程中所表现出来的昂扬斗志和顽强拼搏精神得到了广大观众和球迷朋友的交口称赞和一致认可。The audience and basketball fans all expressed their praise and approval to this team because of the members'fighting spirit and perseverance which they showed during the competition.