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歌手引吭高歌。The singer belted out a song.

它们引吭高歌宣告这场雪舞正式开始。Trumpeting heralds the start of the snow dance.

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透过百叶窗,我看到唐纳德在枝头引吭高歌。From the blind, I see Donald on his singing perch.

哈拉引吭高歌,是战斗的利器,紧握在爱之手。Jara sang, his song a weapon in the hands of love.

我们无数次围在她的钢琴旁边引吭高歌。We spent countless hours around her piano singing.

你能做那为我唱歌的人,对我引吭高歌而让我知道你就在我身旁?Can you be my Nightingale, sing to me I know you're there.

到1935年的年底,她已经在第一部电影中引吭高歌并录制了她的第一张唱片。By year’s end she had sung in her first film and made her first recording.

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在纽约,有一个公共汽车司机,总是一边开车一边引吭高歌,吸引了许多人乘坐他的车。In New York there is a bus driver who always sings enthusiastically when he is on duty.

我问一个朋友,为什么在中国的餐馆里每个人总是在大喊大叫、放声大笑甚至是引吭高歌。I ask a friend why it seems that everyone is always shouting, laughing or singing in Chinese restaurants.

打拳健身的,引吭高歌的,晨曦下到处是中老年游客的身影。Do shadowboxing fitness, sing joyfully in a loud voice, dawn of older tourists are everywhere on the scene.

于是,我看到故国广宽的大地上,中原后代于天地间引吭高歌。Hence, I see up broad earth in the motherland, Dhina children in in the whole world lead to utter high song.

他们常常是醉醺醺的,有必要用香皂和毛巾,总是随时可以引吭高歌。They were usually in some stage of drunkenness, often in need of soap and a towel, and always ready to sing.

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我披上自然给予的绿色衣裳,在绿色舞台动情引吭高歌,吟唱心声,激扬生命。I put on a natural given the green clothes, in the green stage, sang with emotion, singing voice, encourages life.

他们还常常引吭高歌罗马尼亚老歌,抑或唱唱康斯坦丁以前部队里的战斗歌曲。Often they sing old Romanian songs at the top of their voices, or Constantin's old battle songs from his army days.

于是,我看到祖国辽阔的大地上,华夏儿女于天地间引吭高歌。Therefore, I saw on the motherland vast earth, the China children sing joyfully in a loud voice in the world between.

刻哈特子孙和科辣黑子孙中的肋未人起立,引吭高歌,赞颂上主以色列的天主。Levites from among the Kohathites and Korahites rose to sing the praises of the LORD, the God of Israel, in a resounding chorus.

可能的表演者包括一对坐在轮椅上的杂技演员,穿着“猫王式”连衣裤、戴着粉色假发、引吭高歌的5岁男孩。Potential performers include a pair of wheelchair acrobats and a singing five-year-old boy in an Elvis-style jumpsuit and pink wig.

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她拿着话筒站在寒风中引吭高歌,她的歌声随着即将到来的千禧年飘进每个人的心里,尤其是一个高中女孩的心里。The song passed the warmth to the everyone with the coming of Millennium, especially for a little girl who was in Senior Midlle School.

对别尔斯基的美国手语III级成员国签署了战斗歌曲,而密歇根州立大学密歇根州立大学的啦啦队和观众引吭高歌。Members of Belsky's American Sign Language III class signed the MSU fight song while the MSU cheerleaders and audience members sang along.

我不准备写颂歌,那会令人沮丧。可是我要像黎明时分的雄鸡一样,在栖木上引吭高歌,只为唤醒我的邻居。I do not propose to write an ode to dejection, but to brag as lustily as chanticleer in the morning, standing on his roost, if only to wake my neighbors up.