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我有两个驼峰。I have two humps.

在驼峰段刹车。Brakes on a gravity hump.

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我是谁?我有两个驼峰。Who am I?I have two humps.

得到你爱醉离开我的驼峰。Get you love drunk off my hump.

得到你爱醉离开这个驼峰。Get you love drunk off this hump.

有些种类的骆驼有两个驼峰。Some species of camel have two humps.

骆驼真把水藏在驼峰里?。Do Camels Really Store Water in Their Humps?

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其一,这恰恰对应的是双驼峰形的学习曲线。First, the double hump nature of the learning curve.

请注意,您可以使用前缀、驼峰匹配和通配符。Notice that you can use prefix, camel case and wild cards.

针对驼峰超速连挂事故进行分析。Over-speed coupling accidents on humping process are analyzed.

这些驼峰能帮助骆驼在没有食物和水的时候生存长达数星期。These humps help camels survive for weeks without food and water.

车组溜放速度控制是驼峰自动化的重点和核心内容。The core of automated hump is to control the speed of a rolling car.

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坐出租车从飞机场到大理驼峰的价格是100元左右。A taxi directly from the airport to the Dali Hump will cost around 100RMB.

在没有新食物和水供应时,骆驼从它的驼峰中获取能量。When fresh food and water are not available,the camel can feed off its hump.

不管怎么说,30年来一直不断有人报导见到了一个有驼峰般隆起的背部的不知是什么的动物。In any case, people have reported seeing a humped what-is-it for over 30 years.

您也可以检查出来驼峰一边你的笔记本电脑在视频下面。You can also check them out humping the side of your laptop in the below video.

设计了一个用于铁路编组站的驼峰溜放视频系统。A hump glide video system applied to the railway marshalling station was devised.

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中亚的双峰骆驼有两个驼峰,阿拉伯骆驼只有一个驼峰。The Bactrian camel of Central Aaia has two humps. The Arabian camel has one hump.

人们经常认为骆驼将水储藏在它们的驼峰里。事实上,这种看法是错误的。People used to think that camels store water in their humps , but this is incorrect.

该项目的一个主要观点对驼峰山以东。This site for this project has one main view to the east towards Camelback Mountain.