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他们很喜欢听他说土话,吹牛皮或胡说八道。They like his slang and his brag and his blunders.

一绷子—北京土话,即很长时间的意思。Beijing dialect, that is, the meaning of a very long time.

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湖南嘉禾县属于湘南双方言区,其土话内部差异较大。Jiahe Tuhua used in this area has huge internal differences.

宗教作品从拉丁文被转化成当地的土话。Religious works were converted from Latin into the vernacular.

比如说,让来自南方的人说南方土话。Forinstance, use southern jargon for someone living in the south.

第三至五部分是崇山土话的词法研究。From the third to fifth part, is to study Changshan dialect's morphology.

这是当地的一句土话,有它特殊的意思,但是没有人回答这句话。It was a local phrase which had a peculiar meaning, and there was no reply.

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第二部分对崇山土话的语音和词汇特点进行描写和分析。The second part describe and analyze characteristics of phonetic and words.

第二节永州土话声母综合比较。The second part is about the comprehensive comparison of the consonants of Tuhua.

奥戴丽?赫本在里面演一个说满口伦敦土话的卖花女,受训练让人把她当成上流社会的淑女。Audrey hepburn plays a cockney flower girl who is trained to pass as an upper-class lady.

在美国土话中,常把被人愚弄形容成“僵化了。An American who has been short-changed would complain in the vernacular of being "stiffed".

先前还讲普通话,听到客人是四川话,也用土话了。Previously also speak Mandarin, Sichuan, guests hear the words, but also with soil any more.

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然后再将这三种土话与周边土话进行比较,论证了上述观点。The comparison of the three kinds of Tuhua with the neighboring dialects testifies the above opinion.

大村土话小称变音的主要语义功能是区别词义,最基本的语法功能是“名词化”。Its basic syntactic function is to distinguish word meanings, and its general grammatical function is nominal.

湘南土话的音韵现象复杂多样,内部差异大,颇具特色。Xiangnan local dialect is very characteristic in its complicated phonological phenomenon and inner difference.

本文主要运用描写的手法,对当地土话词汇的特点以及词法的语用来进行研究的。This paper mainly uses description to study the local dialect vocabulary and lexical characteristics of the language.

因此,本文分别从社会历史因素及语言因素,探讨粤北土话小称词中这种对应关系的形成。For this reason, this study aims to explore such a correspondence in terms of socio-historical and linguistic factors.

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被称为桂北土话的文桥土话,与老湘语和两省区的土话都有密切关系。The dialect there is therefore called Wenqiao dialect, which has closely related to both provinces, Guangxi and Hunan.

湖南嘉禾县属于湘南双方言区,其土话内部差异较大。Jiahe County is a bi-dialectal area in south Hunan Province. Jiahe Tuhua used in this area has huge internal differences.

当地的语言也仍然和加勒比海式英语方言并存着,但它们大都是在市场和家里所用的土话。Local languages still alongside the Caribbean English dialect , too , but they are mostly the patois of the marketplace and home.