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巡行在空旷的宇宙。Traveling in empty space.

缚手缚脚的空旷。All vanishes into emptiness.

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我走过一个空旷地。I walked across an empty land.

空旷的广场闪烁如萤虫。And glimmers in the empty square.

车子在空旷的大街上慢行。Cars sailed along the empty streets.

内海畔,一片空旷区域里的露营者。Campers at inland sea in empty quarter.

你怎会感觉既空旷又圆满?How can you feel empty and yet complete?

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他的声音在空旷的房间中回荡。His voice echoed in the vast, empty room.

那里的场地看上去好像是非常空旷和像医院临床诊疗室那样的干净。The place looked empty and clinically clean.

他来到一片空旷的野地里,给自己挖了一个坟。He went to an open wild and dug himself a grave.

在空旷的地方,用力踩下刹车踏板。In a clear area, step sharply on the brake pedal.

它将永远膨胀下去,变得更加空旷黑暗。It will expand forever getting emptier and darker.

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用绳将鸡吊在空旷地方,风乾一整天。Hang chicken with strings and air-dry a airy place.

而这空旷旧街的死寂,又叫人不能入眠。And the ancient empty street's too dead for dreaming.

那夜繁星点点,空旷的大厅里画作高悬。Starry, starry night , Portraits hung in empty halls.

我正在阿比让郊区,这里非常空旷,非常寂静。I'm in the suburbs of Abidjan, very empty, very quiet.

树上的枝丫很多,都是不带一片叶子的空旷。The tree branches of many, is not take a leaf of open.

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所有人散去,空旷的大厅,回荡着的是他和她的爱情。All people, empty hall resounded with, he and her love.

空旷的田野上一棵孤独的树,有什么奇怪的?What is so strange about a tree alone in an open field?

但愿你的眼睑永远不为空旷的远方而扑闪。may your eyelids never flutter into the empty distance.