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如果是后者,那他们也将是感性的哭泣者。For the latter, this will be a weeper.

艺术形象又具有情感性和思想性。Art image but also has emotion and thought.

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这一判断是感性和武断的。This judgment was irrational and dogmatical.

你试着去感性的时候,她们则会鸡皮疙瘩掉一地。You try to be sensual, they get creeped out.

狮子是非常感性的,有时还很性感。Leos are very sensual and sometimes very sexy.

它是生命意识的新的形态,体现出感性与理性的统一。It acted as the unification of logos and geist.

理智是感性的墓志铭。Wit is the epitaph of an emotion. ----Nietzche.

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济慈就像一只蜜蜂,他非常感性。Keats is like a bee. He's all into the sensuous.

克洛伊洛厄一个纯感性的表现。A pure sentimental performance from Chloe Lowery.

感性的认识城市,理性的设计城市。Perceptually know a city, and rationally design it.

第三是愉乐,文化,感性。The third is the Yu joy, culture, sensitive faculty.

感性的大脑对我们的决策有巨大的影响。The emotional brain has a huge impact on our decisions.

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洪帆生活中是一位感性、真挚的艺术家。In daily life Hong Fan is a sensual and truthful artist.

鲜花和卡片,不论是感性的还是笨手笨脚的,都很好。Flowers and cards, whether sentimental or goofy, are fun.

正人君子意味着一个人的高尚和感性。A mensch is someone who is a refined and sensitive person.

我不知道我为什么这么感性,我无法控制自己。I don't know why I am so emotional, I can't contol myself.

ESCADA代表着摩登优雅、迷人和感性。ESCADA stands for modern elegance, glamour, and sensuality.

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情感性是歌唱思维的内部动力。Emotionality is the inner motive of the thought-of-singing.

我们正走向一个更干净、更柔软、更女性化和更感性的方向。We're moving into a cleaner, softer, lady-like sensibility.

她既有严厉的一面,同时也真的是一个感性的人。While she could be strict, she could also be a real “softie.