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太阳晒得人热辣辣的。The sun feels scorching.

碘酒灼得她的伤口热辣辣的疼痛。The iodine burned her cut.

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太阳晒得人热辣辣的。The sun feels scorching hot.

他觉得脸上热辣辣的。He felt his face was burning.

这热辣辣的太阳快把我烤焦了!I am broiling in this hot sun!

阳光热辣辣的。The sunlight was hot and hard.

强烈的阳光热辣辣地正照在我的脸上。The sun shone hot and full in my face.

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热辣辣的天气确实使玫瑰长得很快。The hot weather has really brought on the roses.

他不停的抱怨热辣辣的太阳。He kept showing his complaint against the hot sun.

我在外面让寒风一吹,现在耳朵热辣辣的。My ears were burning after being out in the cold wind.

她一看见丈夫就给了他热辣辣的一巴掌。The moment she sighted him, she gave him a very hot slap.

在热辣辣的阳光下,在黑夜中,充满计划,充满感情。In the hot sun and in the dark with all the plans and feelings.

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在其冷冰冰的视觉形象背后涌动着热辣辣的嫉妒之情。Behind the ice cold visual images are waving the vehement feelings of jealousy.

热辣辣的红晕涌上了少女的脸颊,这说明她知道老人的言外之意。A burning blush upon the girl's face showed that she understood the old man's allusion.

经历了一个漫长而艰难的赛季,在温布利球场一个热辣辣的日子,两支球队都需要继续这场困难的比赛。On a baking hot day at Wembley after a long, hard season, both teams found it hard going.

热辣辣泡菜锅的汤里有猪肉、泡菜、豆腐还有韩国面条,刺激刺激。Kimchi- jeon -gol, is a spicy combination of pork, kimchi, tofu and Korean noodle in a rich kimchi soup.

晌午的太阳热辣辣,妈妈汗流浃背地下楼来,我怀着喜悦的心情迫不及待地想告知母亲,我得第一了。Noon sun burning hot, my mother collar, came downstairs, I with joy can not wait to tell her mother, I must first of the.

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阳光此刻很热,老人感到脖颈上热辣辣的,划着划着,觉得汗水一滴滴地从背上往下淌。The sun was hot now and the old man felt it on the back of his neck and felt the sweat trickle down his back as he rowed.

克里斯蒂喜欢帮她的爸爸在消防站煮一大锅热辣辣的红番椒,然而,戴维工作的时间很长,他仍在丧妻的痛苦中挣扎。Kristen loved helping her dad cook up a big pot of firehouse chili, but worked long hours, and he was still shattered by his loss.

这种爵士音乐被称之为“热辣辣的爵士”,因为他们的节拍很快,他们即兴表演特别迷人。This music became known as "Hot Jazz", because of the often breakneck speeds and amazing improvised polyphony that these bands produced.