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单调写一致性。Monotonic write consistency.

这是个单调的电影情节。It's a pedestrian movie plot.

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不,你看到的是单调的树木。No, you see is monotone trees.

会议单调地进行了几个小时。The meeting droned on for hours.

会议单调地延续了几个小时。The meeting droned on for hours.

听证“单调”地延续了几个小时。The hearings droned on for hours.

我的童年是在单调乏味、毫无意外的日子中度过的。I lived a surprise-free childhood.

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那真的会使生活单调乏味。It would make our lives really dull.

卡米听到了,沉闷的声音单调地重复。Kami listened to the dull thrumming.

这位政客单调低沉地讲演。The politician droned out his speech.

昨天的节目比较单调。Yesterday's programme was rather dull.

一个懒惰的人'的生活单调和沉闷。A lazy man's life is dull and spiritless.

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瞧他的衣服,一划的都是黑色的,真单调。All of his clothes are in monotone black.

值随含水量的变化基本上是单调上升的。C value increases as the Q value increases.

此外,我们的频率单调减少。Also we have monotone decrease of frequency.

除了大钟的沉闷单调,了无声息。And nothing broke the clock's dull monotones.

而现在,直发则有了丝般的质感,不再扁平单调,变得更加有形了。Now, it's got a silky texture. It's not flat.

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他们干一系列单调乏味、收入很少的工作。They did a series of boring, badly-paid jobs.

这位律师唠唠叨叨,单调乏味。This lawyer verbalizes and is rather tedious.

黑色带你进入单调的世界。Black takes you to enter the monotonous world.