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他们无法和睦相处。They can't agree well.

与四邻和睦相处。Live in concord with sb.

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和合得来、和睦相处。I get along well with him.

与你的同事和睦相处。Get along with your co-workers.

他们为什么就不能和睦相处呢?Why can't they live together in peace?

他们永远无法彼此和睦相处。They can never get along with each other.

你热爱劳动,与同学和睦相处。Love your work, and students live in harmony.

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在这里亚当和各种动物和睦相处。Here Adam lived in peace with all the animals.

他很快发现自己与新同事能和睦相处。He found himself in harmony with his new workmates.

泰加能和猫猫狗西城绿锦狗和睦相处吗?Can tegus get along with other pets like dogs or cats?

他们易于与普通美国人和睦相处。They tend to get along well with the average American.

委员会新委员必须和其他委员和睦相处。New members must fit in with the rest of the committee.

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我的心雨也下得很大。我原本以为这最后一次我们能够开开心心地和睦相处。But this time may be the last one chance that we can meet.

希望世界和平,全世界的人民和睦相处!May world peace and all the people exchange the olive brach!

甲骨文并没有一个与其他公司和睦相处的传统。Oracle does not have a tradition of playing well with others.

大多数媳妇都能与婆婆和睦相处。Most daughter-in-laws can get along with their mother-in-laws.

我们这个屯子不大,大家都能和睦相处。Our village is not big, all the people can get along harmoniously.

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我的猫和狗从来不打架,它们和睦相处。My cat and dog never fight---they live together in perfect harmony.

当然,我说的是那些倾向于与自身和睦相处的人。I am speaking, of course, of men inclined to be in harmony with themselves.

他能和其他孩子及老师和睦相处吗?Would he be comfortable and get along with the other kids and this teacher?