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自我感觉安全。We feel safe.

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轻视自我。Belittle yourself.

自我介绍我的名字是李蕾。My name is Li Lei.

但谁是这种自我?But who is this self?

做一个自我评估。Do a self-assessment.

进到神圣的自我!Into the Divine Self!

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为了自我感觉良好而付出。We give to feel good.

我可自我介绍吗?ay I introduce myself?

以及自我毁灭。About self-destruction.

它是自我保护。It's self-preservation.

解放自我的故事。My Story of Liberation.

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自我了解就是智慧。Self-knowing is wisdom.

努力做点自我分析。Try some self-analysis.

他们的自我认同的身份是什么What is their identity?

第三,自我激励型。You are self-motivated.

开始自我解嘲。Start with self-mockery.

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是的,我总是自我伤害。Yes, I have self-harmed.

自我太小成不了大气候。A little ego goes nowhere!

然而他们是自我中心的。But they are self-centred.