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这儿有天主堂和清真寺。There are churches and mosques here.

一天,在天主堂里,他这样布道One day he preached the following sermon in the cathedral

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在附近的几个天主堂里都寻遍了。They instituted a search in the churches of the neighborhood.

天主堂的钟正敲着早晨两点,冉阿让醒了。As the Cathedral clock struck two in the morning, Jean Valjean awoke.

一次,在封斋节,有个年轻的助理主教来到迪涅,在天主堂里讲道。In the course of one Lent, a youthful vicar came to D----, and preached in the cathedral.

在中国,天主教亦称天主堂,新教亦称礼拜堂。In China, Catholicism also calls the catholic church, the protestantism also calls the church.

东交民巷天主堂以其正门上方精美的天使造像而闻名。St. Michael Earl Church owes its fame to the exquisite Statue of Archangel above its front door.

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在天主堂里,对于教徒的忏悔牧师无特殊原因外都应予以保密。In the Catholic Church, confessions are only to be heard in a confessional, except for a just reson.

早晨,他静修一个钟头,再念他的弥撒经,有时在天主堂里,有时在自己的经堂里。In the morning he meditated for an hour, then he said his mass, either at the cathedral or in his own house.

本日捐款包括�通银行和显圣容天主堂幼稚园。Today's contributors including the First American International Bank and the Transfiguration Church Kindergarten.

自从那次讲道以后,大家都看见他每逢星期日总拿一个苏①给天主堂大门口的那几个乞讨的老婆婆。After the delivery of that sermon, it was observed that he gave a sou every Sunday to the poor old beggar-women at the door of the cathedral.

合唱团一行五十多人从十一月四日出发,一边朝圣一边巡演,分别在温州教区的南门和龙港两所天主堂献唱,六日晚上最后一站是在宁波教区圣母升天主教座堂演出。The 50-strong choir performed at Nanmen and Longgang churches in Wenzhou diocese and the Assumption Cathedral in Ningbo diocese, from November 4 to 6.

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在这山区里曾是温州天主教会活跃兴盛一时的发源地,其中枫林镇天主堂为楠溪一带的核心和根据地,先后有两位波兰籍和国籍八位神父驻扎过本堂。This mountain area was once a place of catholic origin with Fenglin as its center parish. There have been two Polish and eight Chinese priests serving here.

餐室的门,我们已经说过,开出去便是天主堂前面的广场,从前是装了锁和铁闩的,正象一扇牢门。The door of the dining-room, which, as we have said, opened directly on the cathedral square, had formerly been ornamented with locks and bolts like the door of a prison.

住在法维洛勒的天主堂广场上的面包店老板穆伯·易查博,一个星期日的晚上正预备去睡时,忽听得有人在他铺子的那个装了铁丝网的玻璃橱窗上使劲打了一下。One Sunday evening, Maubert Isabeau, the baker on the Church Square at Faverolles, was preparing to go to bed, when he heard a violent blow on the grated front of his shop.

新华路天主堂几易其名,最初叫及幼堂,然后叫斯德望堂,后来叫真福堂,现在叫新华路天主堂。Xinhua Road Church several times his name, was originally called and young together, and then called de Hope Church, later called the real Futang, now known as Xinhua Road Church.