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我的姨妈住在这里.My aunt lives here.

姨妈,请您别拔啦。Please don't, auntie.

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他在他姨妈家寄膳。He boarded with his aunt.

姨妈、姨丈都好吗?Uncle, aunt are all right?

埃米莉姨妈织补旧袜子。Aunt Emilie darned old socks.

凯特姨妈活泛多了。Aunt Kate was more vivacious.

我计划八月一号去姨妈家。I plan on Aug. 1 to the aunt.

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公园路我的姨妈家。On Park Street, at my aunt's.

梅米姨妈喋喋不休地说着。Aunt Maimie's voice droned on.

他是由姨妈养育大的。He was brought up by his aunt.

她姨妈是一位英语老师。Her aunt is an Engilsh teacher.

我现在可以去玩了吗?姨妈。Mayn't I go and play now, aunt?

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他的姨妈又在拍打他的房门。His aunt rapped on the door again.

乔伊丝姨妈把他置于自己的保护之下。Aunt Joyce took him under her wing.

我的老姨妈都很古板。My old aunts are very strait-laced.

照顾她姨妈是她分内的事。It's her duty to look after her aunt.

嗯,我以为你的弗洛姨妈来了。Um, I think your Aunt Flo is in town.

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那还用说,我吻了,姨妈,百分之百的肯定。Why, yes, I did, auntie—certain sure.

你知道,他想和你姨妈结婚。He wants to marry your aunt, you know.

她要搭飞机到她姨妈家里去住。Shes flying to her aunts house to live.