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大多数国家采取米制,他的国家也是这样。Most countries adopt metric system and so his country did.

公里是米制中最大的长度单位。The kilometer is the biggest unit length in the metric system.

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公里是米制中最大的长度单位。The kilometer is the hardest unit length in the metric system.

航空航天。内十字形驱动器。米制系列。Aerospace Drives, Internal, Cruciform Metric Series-First Edition.

所有这些米制单位弄得我晕头转向——我们为什么不能坚持用英尽和英寸的单位呢?All these metric units make my head spin-why couldn't we stick with feet and inches?

本文的目的是建立奈米电导度自动量测系统,应用于奈米制程上。Using SANSS to produce nano-fluid and to measure conductivity automatically in process.

飞行于北京和西伯利亚城市伊尔库茨克,跨越于两个不同的米制飞行高度层系统。Fly between Beijing and Irkutsk and survive in two different metric flight levels systems!

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此外,管理局抱怨说反应堆的设计数字单位都是以英尺、英寸来表达,而非米制单位。It also complains that the reactor design was submitted in feet and inches rather than metric figures.

目前国际上通用的度量衡制度有米制、英制和美制。The commonly used systems in the world are the Metric System, the British System and the U. S. System.

航空航天。有条纹的内调整偏差十字形驱动器或无条纹驱动器。米制系列。Aerospace Drivers, Ribbed, for Internal Offset Cruciform Ribbed or Unribbed Drives Metric Series-First Edition.

完成两套超纯水系统,分别为奈米制程用水系统及多元化转用测试平台。Two ultrapure water systems were established, Including the nano-water system and multi- purpose test and verify water system.

“我们现在所用的米制,米和厘米,是法国制定的。”艾尔文先生的面孔看起来象一张死板的建筑图纸。"The metric unit, you know, meters and centimeters, all that stuff, is set in France, " said Mr. Irving, once again in his serious pose.

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简述米制小食品微波膨化的一般生产工艺和膨化效果的评定。分析了各因素对微波膨化效果的影响。This Passage briefly describes the producing technics of the microwave extruding and its characterization, and analyzes all the influence factors on it.

简述米制小食品微波膨化的一般生产工艺和膨化效果的评定。分析了各因素对微波膨化效果的影响。This passage describes briefly the producing technics of the microwave extruding and it's characterization, and analyzes all the influence factors on it.

它从实数的特性开始并且继续严格的处理顺序,系列,米制空间和在一个变量的微积分。It begins with the properties of the real numbers and continues with a rigorous treatment of sequences, series, metric spaces, and calculus in one variable.

如果在门户网站中验证结果,可以看到货币、日期和时间均设置为中文格式,而长度和重量均设置为米制格式。If you verify the result in the portal Web site, you can see that the Currency, Date, and Time are set to Chinese format, while Length and Weight are set to metric format.

例如,在教一个学徒车工读蓝图的过程中,你可能以为她有能力做米制变换,因此你将不教这项技能。For example, in teaching an apprentice lathe operator to read blueprints , you might assume that she has the ability to make metric conversions-hence you would not teach this skill.

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此标准第一版的目的在于满足米制体系下的澳大利亚工业对于ISO紧固件粗螺距螺纹系列标准的需求。When first published, the standard was intended to cover the anticipated needs of Australian industry under the metric system, for fasteners with ISO metric coarse pitch series threads.

由于其所需设备费用及时间相对于半导体制程便宜且快速,且可应用的范围很广,因此是目前奈米制程技术研究的重点之一。Furthermore, the period and dimension can be controlled by the size of nanospheres. Because of cheap, rapid, and extensive applications, it's one of the important nanofabrication techniques.

介绍了米制梯形螺纹车削加工用户宏程序的编制和简单调用的方法,对提高数控机床的使用性能有很大的帮助,对其它非标螺纹的编程也具有一定的借鉴意义。To improve the performance of NC machine tool, the paper introduces the method of custom macro programming technique and simple call on transfer process of the metric system ACME screw thread.