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中国警告美日韩三方不要火上浇油。China urges not to 'pour oil on flames'.

所犯的这些错误给ISC“缺乏肌肉”的批评火上浇油。The mistakes fuelled criticism that the ISC lacked muscle.

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你不要火上浇油了,我已经够难过的。You don’t have to rub it in. I already feel bad enough as it is.

中国的炮舰,仍然意味着紧张气氛,也许比赌场更加火上浇油。China's gunboats, meant to still tensions, may stoke them instead.

这次事件使委内瑞拉和哥伦比亚之间原本紧张的关系火上浇油。The killings have fueled growing intension between Venezuela and Columbia.

妈妈已经在气头上了。不要在火上浇油,干她不喜欢的事。Mum is already very angry. Don't add fuel to the flames by doing what she doesn't like.

我以前的女友都是比我小,这无异于火上浇油。My previous girlfriend was younger than me, as well, so that just adds fuel to the fire.

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这意味着火上浇油,当离得还远,它击中我们的时候,我们倒是不会烧焦。It mean throwing gasoline on the fire, but from afar, so when it hits we won't get singed.

美国Assn.电影商抱怨这个好莱坞影片强盗行为火上浇油的配额。The Motion Picture Assn. of America blames the quota for helping fuel piracy of Hollywood films.

此事迅速发展成为就以种族貌相取人问题的辩论,奥巴马一句“行为愚蠢”的评论有如火上浇油。The matter mushroomed into a debate on racial profiling, fueled by Obama's "acted stupidly" remark.

所有这些都由于互联网而火上浇油,特别是这个国家有两千万之多的博客。All were fueled because of the Internet, and in particular the country's 20 million-strong bloggers.

美政府官员担心周二的交火是在为双方关系火上浇油。American officials fear the exchange of fire on Tuesday will provide yet another irritant for both sides.

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在许多星球,这场战争与当地的军事冲突交织在一起,为那些根深蒂固的矛盾火上浇油。On many worlds, the war overlapped local conflicts, fanning flames of deep-rooted aggression even higher.

本周,阿尔伯特·爱因斯坦从坟墓里走出来,为科学和宗教之间的文化战争火上浇油。From the grave, Albert Einstein poured gasoline on the culture wars between science and religion this week.

这和为诗歌最后的结尾火上浇油的,牺牲性的替代是毫无差别的。It's the same desire for some kind of sacrificial substitution that, I think, is fueling the poem's ending.

外国评论家更是火上浇油,甚至有些看超级大国笑话的意思。Foreign pundits sound even more bearish, and one sometimes detects a hint of gloating at the hyperpower's distress.

还有人担心,从南美进口的廉价大豆饲料对毁坏雨林无疑是火上浇油。There are also concerns that cheap soya feed imported from South America is fuelling destruction of the rainforests.

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要是你已经火烧眉毛了,最不希望的就是还有人火上浇油。If you ever find yourself sick with Saturday night fever, the last thing you want is for someone to turn up the heat.

人们对此法案的强烈不满,为废奴运动火上浇油,也使得越来越多的人参与“地下铁路”逃亡。Backlash against the law helped fuel the abolitionist movement and increased participation on the Underground Railroad.

苏援和苏联理念对索马里有着深远的影响力,美国对其邻居——世仇埃塞俄比亚的大量军事援助也在火上浇油。Powerful influence of Soviet aid andideology, which was assisted greatly by U.S. military aid to hostile neighborEthiopia.